Jun. 30th, 2013




I shall start off with my wish for you!:



Mar. 28th, 2012



Alright ladies! Two more for ya. (Callie here, btw. In case anybody isn't aware of the biggest addict up in this here place) At least I'm bringing in boys, yeah? YEAH. Ahem. On we go! (Under a cut to save the pages)

Boys boys, be my boy! )

Mar. 16th, 2012


Here, ye! Here, ye! Another new character, coming at you from yours truly...Character Addict Callie. ;)

This is Callum Bell. He is a senior in Varrick, and a shapeshifter (grizzly bear). Callum is a famous actor, and the ex-boyfriend/best friend of one Roxy Christalle. Unlike Roxy and her adorable counterpart, he is not overly outgoing/energetic. He's more on the quiet side, introverted, and seems more broody/mysterious than some would expect from an actor. There are no rumors/scandals to speak of because he is private and keeps a low profile, but he's still considered a womanizer because of his looks and his public relationship with Roxy. Callum is more reserved/responsible than others in his field or age group, but once you get him to open up he is a good guy. Nice and funny, good sense of humor. He's just more guarded so it takes some time. Callum would also prefer a book or a quiet corner to a party with drinking, but he's not a stick in the mud. Just...well read here to find out more! :)

He needs friends and the works, though I think Miss Dammie is making him an eventual love interest. He's open to a couple more exes, though. <3

Mar. 14th, 2012


*whistles innocently* This is not a drill. Callie does, in fact, have yet ANOTHER new character. Now that you've had time to come to terms with that reality, on with the intro!

This here is miss Hennessy Lowe. Yes, you read that last name right. She is in fact related to Jameson. Scary, right? I know, try and contain it until the end. <3 She's a senior in Zeno, and quite a character. Hennessy is a bit hedonistic in her behavior. If she wants to do it, she does. If not, then she doesn't. It really doesnt' get much more complex than that, and in fact she is quite unmotivated and bum-like a lot of the time. (When she's not partying or performing, that is) Mostly, she seems lazy, but she also has a big attitude in addition to that. Her passion shines through when it's something she's interested in, and even when being a bum she is charismatic and engaging. If you piss her off, the amusing fun-lover goes away and you get the spiteful vindictive bitch. So don't piss her off and you can keep the life of the party around. Hennessy is talented and brilliantly creative, but is a bit afraid to try for anything bigger than she has right now. Music is one thing, aside from sex, that gets her moving. Anything else? Just read the bio!

I need friends, exes, flings, partners in crime, enemies, WHATEVER. This girl is plotless. Let's not keep it that way, eh? I'm open to ANYTHING.

That is all. Carry on. <3 :)