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Oct. 2nd, 2012


Hiya! Dammie here with two newbies and more to come!

Firstly this is Jin Kazama, yes the same as from Tekken- the character was named after him. He's a JPop Music artist who is very popular throughout Asia and the Southern Hemisphere- not so much America, Canada and Europe- yet. He's a hybrid, A vampire and Nephilim Mix which makes for some interesting pros and cons. He's also a Board Member and holds the most stocks for Japanese most popular and successful technology company Namco. He has an Endgame in the works but would like some friends and such. He's been on tour in Australia and is returning to school this week thoguh it's his first year at Mystic Veil he's transferred across.

My other sweet-heart is Anise Cook, ([info]remembertosmile) older sister of all the cook siblings running around. She's a famous fashion designer and photographer who is studying medicine- can you tell she's ambitious yet? :P Nah, shes a sweet heart and she's a really awesome girl. She's a seelie fae and yeah... She has no romantic plot but if you want it you can have it, she could use friends too! She's been in Paris and it's her first year at Mystic Veil.

Sep. 3rd, 2012



This is Minako Yamauchi! She is new to Mystic Veil Academy and hopes you'll all play nice with her! She's another sweetheart to add to my already rather sweet bunch (minus a few of them... Osiric and Kaleb :P). She too is a Japanese Musician though she isn't as popular as any of the others she's pretty up there- her music is often featured in video games, anime's and Japanese TV shows though she does do concerts / sell records. She's been around the music scene for about five years and is not only a singer but plays various instruments, writes her own music and composes for others. She does a lot of charity work too.

She's from humble beginnings and is at Mystic Veil through her own Money though her Grandfather owns an important trade business in Japan (and has only recently comeback into her life). Mina has come to Mystic Veil to further her education more than to escape from anything- Mystic Veil has kind of always been her college dream (like kids dream of going to Havard and such). She's studying music Composition and Art!

She has a relationship plot in the works (Thank You Chele <3) but she could do with a few friends and other things. :) Please and thank you!

Aug. 6th, 2012



This is Ronan Brooks. Yes he does hold all the same titles and medals as Michael Phelps, but he is more epic. "Why is he more epic?" I hear you ask; Because he's played by me, Dammie, duh. Joking. he's more epic because he's a shifter (Bald Eagle), he's more epic because he's finally starting college, he is more epic because he is Mystic Veils new swim coach, he has a bulldog that can swim faster than you (Joking, one of his presumed funny insults to get you to go faster). Let's just say he's just a whole lot of epic.

He requires... friends, enemies, students to coach and so forth. He has a love interest :)

Second on my never ending list is... Bran Koch, ([info]scienceandmusic) "Callmemaybe" girls (Cady) older brother. he's a college freshman and is a science nerd with a love of good music.He is neither overly popular or a recluse and is simply a good guy. He tolerates everyone in the school except one, Bran doesn't like OOFTG's Kaleb just because (OOC knowledge, Kaleb likes Cady, Cady likes Kaleb. Kaleb = naturally bad news) Kaleb and he just clash personality wise, aka Kaleb is a dick.

He too has a love interest but could use some friends!

Third is Diana Aglaia ([info]makeurheartrace) she is a living vampire from French/Greek nobility, an off shoot from one of the major families, not sure which one. She is also a college freshman (oops) and is a generally nice girl who couldn't really turn bitchy for anything. I have a few ideas for a love interest but nothing cemented (if interested let me know <3); she could use a BFF, friends and people to avoid <3

Last but not least (and not actually complete he's just being a dick) is Chris Codylus ([info]tough_skin. yes, his last name does come from the term Crocodylus Scientific rant basically it's the family name for most if not all Crocodiles and Alligators roaming earth; kinda like Canine to dogs. anyway, boring science lesson over. He's a High school Senior and surprise! he shifts into an Alligator! he's cocky, he's kinda rude, but he's a whole lot of fun. He and Leonidas were once friends but after a full moon incident keep their distance, so he could use some friends and such, he is intended for someone- but wouldn't mind testing out your bed.

Plot is love. And yes I should of put this under a cut.

Jul. 19th, 2012


This is Nymeria (Game of Thrones Reference for the win!) Lovell. She is a lovely young shifter with a insatiable sense for adventure but still somehow manages to be a proper lady too. She's from Alaska but her family comes from Siberia where they were important people. We (Nym and I) have forced Miss Callie to play her beau (Shiloh Fernandez / Gavin Drache) but she could still use friends, she'd rather not have enemies. She's not new to the school, she's just been in the background somewhere for an unrecognizable amount of time, where she would like to stay as a wall flower. I, um, her profile has a lot more detail and trust me you will like her!

Plot is love <33333333333

(P.S Alex Pettyfer boy will be in tonight, if we're lucky.)

Jul. 16th, 2012


This is Seth Ryans, Kalebs little brother. He is part of OOFTG but isn't very much like the two other band members in play aka he's shy and reserved. Seth is a great guy once you get to know him but needs a bit of prodding to come out of his shell. He relies on Kaleb a lot and the boys are really close.

He's new to Mystic Veil, a week and a bit late, but still new here. He attended a different school before here but decided to come here this year. He doesn't date a lot or anything but could probably do with an endgame or something. He's a cutie and you'll soon love him. Plot is love.

Jul. 11th, 2012


Okay so this is Therese Sangare! She is a shifter, an Otter and a junior. She is kind of a solitary type- as all good otters are and yeah. (bad intro for the win!) She has a cousin who Nikki plays and a future otter-boy from Dana! Callie plays her bff, and I think there's some funky- we hate someone vibe going on there, that Therese is kind of in- thoguh she'd rather just be a bystander, kinda like Crabbe and Goyle- without the actually doing anythign for Malfoy type thing. That sounds hell confusing. Fail. There's more info in her journal/profile (No I don't know how I managed to kill the coding).

I have two more coming in but they are not ready as of right this second so they get an intro of there own. But here's a sexy hint, Alex Pettyfer's coming to town baby! ;)

Therese could use friends? I think. She's not sure and is focusing on the idea of getting into cans of tuna.

Jul. 2nd, 2012


So I emailed you but the. I trilled the Internet and found a whole lot of things that I hope bring a smile to your face!

First, a Birthday Wish from the nicest guy ever.

Second, cause I can't sing and Selena Gomez only sings happy birthday to her dad- and I didn't want to call you Dad in my little happy birthday video I present to you different take on the happy Birthday song! (this amused me greatly)

Happy birthday!!!!!

Jun. 17th, 2012


Dammie here with four new ones. And two new ones tomorrow (when the laptop isn't dying!)

Callie's character addiction must be contagious. )

Jun. 14th, 2012


hiya! Dammie again. This time with just one new one- but there's still others on their way ;)

This is Theo! he has a super long name so everyone kinda just knows him as Theo or Guardian Duartes. He is obviously a Guardian, but to who? Why only the most amazing Unseelie Princess in the world- (He's a little biased) Katryn Rock. Who yes, is his charge but is also the love of his life (No one knows this except Katryn!). He'll do whatever it takes to protect her and yeah. He's also a Knight of the Unseelie court.

...He is cool and yes! He could use a few friends, training partners- whatever! :)

Jun. 6th, 2012


So Dammie is finally here again with 2 more- I think maybe next time I influx I'll just post all at once instead of two at a time- sorry!

So this sexy beast is a phoenix and his name is Andrew though most people call him Drew. Andrew Finley actually. He's a Senior and a Phoenix, he loves sport and he also is madly in love with Harley Montague they are soul mates! (Yay for Phoenix Soul mates!) Um, he needs more friends! He is a lovely guy who loves sport and isn't the greatest student in the world- not because he doesn't try he's just not gifted academic-wise. But still he deserves friends!

My second new character is Preston Augustus ([info]lighttheway), he is an Angel of Guidance and is also a really nice guy. He's pretty much willing to help anyone and was just a random muse I had. I like him though and he needs friends and maybe more- I don't know he is just lovely :)

I still have two more to come in in the next couple of days! But please plot with these two :)

May. 3rd, 2012


Hi! This is Kaleb Ryans, he is the lead singer of the band Memphis is in. He is a shifter and pretty bloody easy to get along with. Kaleb is studying animal science as a further education aka college thing. I think Callie has claimed his love, but he needs enemies, fans and of course He needs friends? :)
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Apr. 11th, 2012


I could of sworn I posted something about this hunky piece of man, but it seems I did not. Jonathan Quentin; he is J.A's younger brother. He's charming to everyone and a little difficult to get to know but once you get to know him he is lovely. (Kind of like Darcy from Pride and Prejudice- seems a little snobby and aristocratic but once you get into his circle he's completely different). He believes in loyalty and such, but does not have the time of day for J.A or J.A's minions. He and Calix (I hope I spelt that right) are going to one day get together. So he's looking for friends mostly- a best friend (male preferably). He already has many enemies from his dislike of his brother.

And I forgot to intro Chris Pine-man! William Ryder or Will Ryde as he's known in Hollywood. he is a famous actor whose been in like star trek and such, he is a real nerd- loves comics and sci-fi; and he's a bit odd. He';s studying astronomy in college in the hopes of one day traveling to outer space. He likes Leia but thinks she has a boyfriend kind of from one of their conversations, a miscommunication of course. He's pretty nerdy but is funny. (Callie; I think he and Callum would get along with the whole not sure why we're famous thing!) He needs friends not star struck and willing to accept him celebrity status and all.

Apr. 2nd, 2012


So Dammie here and I have two morelovelies to intro! (and intend to bring in many more as long as I'm not stepping on anyones toes. *still grateful you guys have welcomed her in*)

I have the water Elemental Kyla, who doesn't know she is an Elemental- I'm not sure exactly what is going on with that aspect of the plot but I'll annoy someone later about it. Basically she's like Grace- happy and lovely, kind of pacifist unless you get her going then she's like a scary tiger.. She's a mermaid and her birthday was on the 30th, so I was thinking if someone wants to be her friend they can celebrate this coming weekend. unlike grace she's loud and boisterous- she loves dancing everywhere and doesn't mind being the center of attention; animals are important to her and if you mistreat them she'll get cranky. But she is lovely and would like at least one friend... :)

I'm not sure if Amelie is accepted but she is/has coming/come into the game. She's Leonidas' younger sister- she's a trouble magnet, so if there's trouble to have she'll somehow end up in it. Her brothers very protective of her and can be very scary, he often gets her out of the trouble she gets herself into. She's a junior and a Shifter- she's a panda and yes she eats bamboo when she can get it! (In Australia you can get Bamboo lollies and bamboo sticks to cook with and eat raw; so I'm just guessing it's possible in the U.S). She thinks she's funny and fun... So she'd like a friend or two :)

Plotlets are love and if you have ideas for characters that you'd like in game and think I could do justice to let me know :) My others are also open for play if you wish. I intend to finish all of my characters histories- like William Ryders and Kyla's within the next day and I'm sorry for not having finished them- I've had writers block over it because I don't want them to sound like all of my others. I'll also be working on the relationship bar of my characters and I tend to send the small description to the muns so they have a say to, in case you don't agree or anything; it's about mutuality!

Um, next week I'm off all week so if you'd like lovely play you can have heaps =D

Mar. 28th, 2012


This is miss Evangelina (Eevee)Calius, a senior Sphinx whose had a pretty hard life but it will ll hopefully calm down. Basically she grew up in a slum kinda place with a mom who sucked rotten eggs and when hr parents died she hd to grow up and be Older Sister/Mom. She's a Mystic Veil oldie, as in she hasn't just rocked up and at the beginning of her senior year she had a pregnancy scare after having sex with Callum, her best friend, who she hasn't talked to since the scare (he doesn't even know about the scare!). She's actually lovely once you get to know her, it just takes some time- but as usual she's in need of friends and such :)


Mar. 10th, 2012


I am back with incredible luck and a couple of hours hard work. Everything is A-okay now and I'm pretty much back to normal down here.

Mar. 8th, 2012


Hey, I've already talked to Dana and Callie about what's going on. Basically I won't be aroudn very much till Saturday at the earliest.

Basically there are huge floods that have inundated the whole of NSW; which is I guess about the size of... the largest Hawaiin Island? I don't even know. Well last night at abotu 3am the water mini-tsunamied onto my land (I live on a ranch style farm) luckily all the animals were saved and stuff but it knocked out my electricity and did quite a bit of damage.

Saturdays the earliest that I can even get up there to fix anything because the waters so strong.

I am really really sorry and I promise I'll make it up to everyone. I promise I won't be gone for a long time; even if I have to find a new internet source- I will be back by Monday- rain, hail, floods- whatever.


Mar. 6th, 2012


Dammie here with two more peeps!

Jai Gadin has already made his presence known; he's the indian looking guy whose actually a Phoenix Nobleman from India- that's a mouthful. He is Zahra's worst nightmare as he is betrothed to her. He's a little hard to get to know and tends to stay detached. He is in his second life- first life he was basically a soldier for Britain in the World wars and died of old age- but he didn't kill anyone, hence the reincarnation.

And this sexy manbeast is Osiric Finnigan, Cyprien Finnigans older twin! He's confident, friendly and very easy... on the eye. he loves water and being outside, and can be a little vain to say the least. Um, I don't know what else to say because I'm sure he'll speak for himself.

There are five more coming in in the next week J.A's younger brother is hopefully going to be finished within the hour, Leonidas' little sister, Chele's Star Trek boy (who I still need to name) and the water elemental. But there will be more I am sure, =D
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Feb. 15th, 2012


Dammie here and I have three new muses that are in game as of right now; :) I'm sur eyou all know Grace whose been around for a little while. :)

Leonidas Dioxiadis [info]son_of_the_lion is a Shifter in his Senior year; he is friendly, naturally optimistic and an all round good guy. He's got his eyes set on the Little red-head mermaid (Effie).

Anastasia Prescott [info]loveisillogical is a Sphinx Professor who teaches Sphinx Lit; she's single, loves sex and is a typical Sphinx without the superior attitude. She doesn't always expect perfection- simply your best effort. She's renown for having assignments ready for pick up the following morning after they are handed in and not appreciating lateness or the need for extensions. She can be found in the library mostly.

And! Catalina Menounos [info]believe_in_you; who is Nacola's older sister- she seems confident and outgoing as she participates both on the stage and behind the scenes. She values her academics and creative outlets. She is very approachable but has a tendency of being shy. She's a senior and a Nephilim of Grace. For her I was hoping to find a male best friend who turn into boyfriend/girlfriend.

So yes- they are my four with a few others in the making including Cy's twin brother, a Kodiak bear, a unicorn; though I'm sure there will be more- if anyone wants any in particular let me know :)

Jan. 28th, 2012


Hi! I'm Dammie and completely new here.

A little about me I'm Callie's latest victim (joking!) and I'm from Sydney Australia so I'm on at all sorts of times. I've been role playing for over 10 years. And I can be reached via email (, AIM (youaresane), Here or my CDJ [info]muse_attack! Oh and I'm looking forward to playing here!

This is Grace Anderson a junior with a absolute love for life and people. She's not new to the academy basically she's just blended into the walls all along. She's a Phoenix and this is her first life ever so she's still finding her footing. She loves helping people in anyway possible and is literally always smiling unless something has really upset her. She loves animals and has a little puppy named Hope who is just as loving and happy as her. There's a lot more info about her on her profile and she's definitely open for friendships and threads; She's not too sure she could possibly make an enemy.

Thank you! And I look forward to playing here! =D