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Apr. 29th, 2013



So since SOMEONE (AHEM *cough* Callie) had the bright idea to have this kidnapping happen, and then I had to go and write some horrible things happening to Tegan, this EVIL DEMON popped into my brain and demanded to be made...which then made the whole damn plot EXPLODE in my brain and so yeah...

Meet Metus Grymm. Yes, Grymm, like the house. They named a house after this bad ass. Except I'm pretty sure they just thought he was a myth and not really real. He assures you all he is indeed real. And a bad ass. He hasn't walked the Earth since the first time the Elemental Coven was formed to banish him. And he stayed banished, unable to keep a corporal form of his own, being only able to possess others for short periods of time, which he usually used for his own demonic raping and doing other bad things that made his line continue. The most prolific and enduring cults and serial killers have his influence upon them. Since the Elementals have not been able to form a coven for the last few hundred years, he has been able to gather his strength, with the help of his loyal worshipers (one of whom named the house at Mystic Veil after him, unbeknownst to the Headmaster) which only added to his growing strength. He has taken possession of this human and goes by the name of Colt Grimes who is the leader of a growing cult of humans who fear and hate supernaturals.

Now why would one who is such a strong supernatural want to create such tensions and frictions you ask? Well Metus' ultimate goal is to of course rule the world. And his ideal world includes humans as their slaves and demons being the ruling class. In order to being this about (and get stronger in the process) he wants to create a world war between the humans and the supernaturals, knowing the supernaturals would win this ultimate war and he would rise victorious to take his place as the ruler of all. *dun dun DUN!* And yes Vance Salem is totally his puppet. Boomshakalaka!

That's the basis anyway. More will come to me and I'm open to suggestions etc. And in the vein of all that, I am also putting up a little handy, dandy chart with some adoptable characters I would love to see played. They all kinda have some sort of jumping off point and I am open to way more being played and face changes and such so yeah. I want there to be a network of his 'children' and informants within the school who know things that are used.

*If you hover over the pictures it shows their title/plot*

Question, concerns, etc, please let me know! My secrecy might have built this up bigger then it actually is. HAHA!

Sep. 14th, 2012


Character Intros!

Hello Ya'll! Dana here! I come barring a handful of new peeps. First I would like to apologize for them not being COMPLETELY done but they really wanna play and I just don't have time to write them up at the moment so I'll finish them off slowly. Sound good? I thought so!

The List of Characters! )

And that is all I have for the moment! Hit me with your peeps!

Sep. 3rd, 2012



This is Minako Yamauchi! She is new to Mystic Veil Academy and hopes you'll all play nice with her! She's another sweetheart to add to my already rather sweet bunch (minus a few of them... Osiric and Kaleb :P). She too is a Japanese Musician though she isn't as popular as any of the others she's pretty up there- her music is often featured in video games, anime's and Japanese TV shows though she does do concerts / sell records. She's been around the music scene for about five years and is not only a singer but plays various instruments, writes her own music and composes for others. She does a lot of charity work too.

She's from humble beginnings and is at Mystic Veil through her own Money though her Grandfather owns an important trade business in Japan (and has only recently comeback into her life). Mina has come to Mystic Veil to further her education more than to escape from anything- Mystic Veil has kind of always been her college dream (like kids dream of going to Havard and such). She's studying music Composition and Art!

She has a relationship plot in the works (Thank You Chele <3) but she could do with a few friends and other things. :) Please and thank you!

Aug. 6th, 2012




I have more peeps for you all!:D I think I'll start with this girly right here. Simply put Chanel is a BITCH! She is that bully that makes high school hell. She is smart enough to be nice to the people that could make her life hell, however. She could use a couple friends (Or at least people who think they are her friends) and I really want a list of people that she bullies on a regular basis. She'll bully girls, or guys, younger or older it doesn't really matter. She could absolutely have done something to make other people life hell at some point or in the future. So if you have ideas throw them at me!

Next we have Axel Roupe [info]sliperywhenwet. He is an otter shifter and a major prankster but he truly has a heart of gold. For those of you that have seen MASH, think Hawkeye. ;)He rooms with Tosh which basically means they have one crazy dorm room. He needs friends, exs and so on. He has a long term plot with Therese the otter! OTTERMANCE!

And lastly we have Shelby Wilkerson [info]comfrtably_numb. Shelby is new, starting college this year but she is a household name. She is a very talented actress and has already won several awards as a child actress. Minus the very public legal battle for emancipation from her parents at age 15 most of the world sees her as having lived a charmed life and she doesn't correct them. She is a nice girl but she is quiet when is just being herself. She needs friends, fans that type of stuff.

Jul. 19th, 2012


This is Nymeria (Game of Thrones Reference for the win!) Lovell. She is a lovely young shifter with a insatiable sense for adventure but still somehow manages to be a proper lady too. She's from Alaska but her family comes from Siberia where they were important people. We (Nym and I) have forced Miss Callie to play her beau (Shiloh Fernandez / Gavin Drache) but she could still use friends, she'd rather not have enemies. She's not new to the school, she's just been in the background somewhere for an unrecognizable amount of time, where she would like to stay as a wall flower. I, um, her profile has a lot more detail and trust me you will like her!

Plot is love <33333333333

(P.S Alex Pettyfer boy will be in tonight, if we're lucky.)

Jun. 16th, 2012


Another Intro (Becasue Sometimes I'm not so smart...)

Hi guys! I have another one here because I forgot him yesterday. Oops. This here is Darragh St. Laurent. He is the new Equestrian Coach and a big deal to anyone that knows horses. He is competed in the last Olympics on the Irish team. Personality wise he is very focused on horses. He is a nice guy if you can get to that inner emotion but most people only see that focus and high standards. For the people that ride on the team, he is a tough instructor and he expects the best but his training is well worth it. You can read more on his profile. :)

Jun. 7th, 2012


Here's Some More!

*whistles innocently* Callie here again. And I will likely be back later on with one more, but these two want some attention. So, off we go!


Thanks for reading loves! Throw it at me!

Jun. 3rd, 2012



LADIES, LADIES! It is I, Callie, your fearless character addict. I know you were worried after the long silence, thinking maybe I really DID go to Character Addicts Anonymous, but worry no more! I'm back with another, finally, and she is quite the doozy!

This here is miss Harlequin Montague. Harley, as she prefers to go by, is a gypsy. Not the exact same as Zoey and Veruca, but descended from the same ideals. (I was inspired, however, by those Gypsy Wedding shows) She grew up in various communities, moving all over with her parents, though she was born in Romania. Her parents tried to marry her off, without her consent, and Harley would not stand for it so she took off to Mystic Veil (where her best friend GRACE agreed to house/hide her)

Harley is quite the enigmatic personality, as one might expect from a gypsy. She is free-spirited, nomadic, sometimes mysterious, a fan of spontaneity, independent, and charming. Her ideas on love have change since the fiasco with her parents, and while she still holds her morals in tact (along with that soulmate ideal a lot of Phoenixes share) she is a bit wary now when it comes to love/relationships. She is a terrible tease, since she will only experiment with kissing and small things now that she's not under her strict rules, but yet she is confident and sexual and enjoys flaunting alllllll that God gave her. There's loads more to read in her profile, so go do that! I'm tired and rambling now. <3

My girlie needs it ALL. Friends, enemies, boys to tease, THE DREADED EX FIANCE would be fun, etc. There are some unfilled lines in her bio if anyone wants one, though the soulmate/true love is taken. Show me what ya got!

May. 2nd, 2012


More Intros!

As promised here I am with more intros! First of all we have Ms. Sawyer Lawson (This journal). Sawyer is straight of the streets of Baltimore. Everything about her has a bit of ghetto in it. She talks ghetto, moves ghetto and she dances ghetto. Alot of it is posturing, however. She doesn't want to be going to this school and all she really wants is to go home. She can be a bitch since she is trying to push people away. Despite all that Sawyer is a great friend once she lets you get to know her. She is fiercely protective and loyal and a very talented dancer. She is a street dancer, break dancer and gymnast and with a little bit of real dance training she would be fantastic. She'll need some friends since once she has a couple of those she'll open up more to the school and the whole situation. She has a long term plot with Ms. Callie but she'll need all other stuffs. Check out her profile for more!

I really feel like I am forgetting to intro someone but oh well.

Mar. 16th, 2012


Here, ye! Here, ye! Another new character, coming at you from yours truly...Character Addict Callie. ;)

This is Callum Bell. He is a senior in Varrick, and a shapeshifter (grizzly bear). Callum is a famous actor, and the ex-boyfriend/best friend of one Roxy Christalle. Unlike Roxy and her adorable counterpart, he is not overly outgoing/energetic. He's more on the quiet side, introverted, and seems more broody/mysterious than some would expect from an actor. There are no rumors/scandals to speak of because he is private and keeps a low profile, but he's still considered a womanizer because of his looks and his public relationship with Roxy. Callum is more reserved/responsible than others in his field or age group, but once you get him to open up he is a good guy. Nice and funny, good sense of humor. He's just more guarded so it takes some time. Callum would also prefer a book or a quiet corner to a party with drinking, but he's not a stick in the mud. Just...well read here to find out more! :)

He needs friends and the works, though I think Miss Dammie is making him an eventual love interest. He's open to a couple more exes, though. <3

Mar. 14th, 2012



So, Mz. Callie is not the only person with a newbie for your enjoyment today. Please come and say hello to Brendin Eland. Brendin is a senior and is best friends with Dammie's Catalina [whom he is eventually intended for]. He's bookish and...ah hell, he's a nerd people. Nerd with a capitol N. This is what he looked like before the beginning of this school year when he was lucky enough to receive an
extra special
make-over by Nacola and Roxy. Unfortunately this new look has done nothing to alter the rumors that he's queer as a $2 bill.

He needs most of the usuals. I
there was talk of one girl he might have gone out on a few dates with this year, but other than ex's are required this time around.


*whistles innocently* This is not a drill. Callie does, in fact, have yet ANOTHER new character. Now that you've had time to come to terms with that reality, on with the intro!

This here is miss Hennessy Lowe. Yes, you read that last name right. She is in fact related to Jameson. Scary, right? I know, try and contain it until the end. <3 She's a senior in Zeno, and quite a character. Hennessy is a bit hedonistic in her behavior. If she wants to do it, she does. If not, then she doesn't. It really doesnt' get much more complex than that, and in fact she is quite unmotivated and bum-like a lot of the time. (When she's not partying or performing, that is) Mostly, she seems lazy, but she also has a big attitude in addition to that. Her passion shines through when it's something she's interested in, and even when being a bum she is charismatic and engaging. If you piss her off, the amusing fun-lover goes away and you get the spiteful vindictive bitch. So don't piss her off and you can keep the life of the party around. Hennessy is talented and brilliantly creative, but is a bit afraid to try for anything bigger than she has right now. Music is one thing, aside from sex, that gets her moving. Anything else? Just read the bio!

I need friends, exes, flings, partners in crime, enemies, WHATEVER. This girl is plotless. Let's not keep it that way, eh? I'm open to ANYTHING.

That is all. Carry on. <3 :)

Mar. 6th, 2012


Dammie here with two more peeps!

Jai Gadin has already made his presence known; he's the indian looking guy whose actually a Phoenix Nobleman from India- that's a mouthful. He is Zahra's worst nightmare as he is betrothed to her. He's a little hard to get to know and tends to stay detached. He is in his second life- first life he was basically a soldier for Britain in the World wars and died of old age- but he didn't kill anyone, hence the reincarnation.

And this sexy manbeast is Osiric Finnigan, Cyprien Finnigans older twin! He's confident, friendly and very easy... on the eye. he loves water and being outside, and can be a little vain to say the least. Um, I don't know what else to say because I'm sure he'll speak for himself.

There are five more coming in in the next week J.A's younger brother is hopefully going to be finished within the hour, Leonidas' little sister, Chele's Star Trek boy (who I still need to name) and the water elemental. But there will be more I am sure, =D
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Mar. 4th, 2012


Guess who's back, back again....

Ahem. *whistles innocently* Another character, ladies! Yes, I am seeking help for this addiction. No, so far it has been unsuccessful. (No comments from you, Nikki!) ANYWAY!

This here is Siobhan O'Callaghan. She is a faerie, and really really hard to describe. The best way to say it would be a spitfire, true Irish beauty. She's got all the sass and balls of those from the Emerald Isle, but can be a lady when she wants to be. Flirtatious, loud, confident, charismatic, irresistible, etc etc. All appropriate terms, yet still unable to capture her true self. So read here, my loves, because I did a far better job writing her out in her entirety. (Also ignore the Harry Potter references in her history, she's only been in Marauders games thus far. So be gentle with her as she adapts to a genre and generation shift; coming from the 70's has to be tough.)

She has a long-term romance plot attached that Mandy is transferring, but she's open to EVERYTHING. Flings, flirtations, exes, friends, enemies, etc. WHATEVER YA GOT.

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Hello lovelies! Since we've had a lot of drops and sad times recently, I decided to liven it up a bit with some happy stuff. Namely, MORE CHARACTERS! *cheers* I know you're all excited. I have 3 pretties for you to browse and plot with, so read below and tell me what you think!

That is all. <3
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