July 22nd, 2014

[info]wemodthemystere in [info]ooc_noirmystere


Since Mini-Mod Callie is laid up, she took the liberty of adding the discussed characters to the friend-button and comms. This means you should have requests and you should be able to see ALL locked posts.

If you do not wish to keep the journal from Terra, let me know. Chele, your journals for Maddie and Jackson were nearly identical ([info]casanova__baby vs [info]casanova_baby) I figure you probably will change Jackson's, so I didn't add the duplicate one. That being said, if you ladies would be so kind as to take a look at the below list and tell me if I missed anyone, I'd love you forever. (I am on pain meds so I'm not entirely sure I got it all <3)

Autumn St. John
Cameo Devaine
Chaos Eyre
Britain Sinclair
Cella Redfern Medici
Ress Killcullen
Ainsley Bennett
Havok Eyre
Jakob Lyon
Ryan Danvers
Bella Jynx
Wednesday Mourning
Kenna Archer
Alana McClain
Hope Maragh

*Nikki, Jude's journal was no longer active, but I know you mentioned wanting to play him. I'll add him when/if you make a new one. <3