July 16th, 2012

[info]justletmedream in [info]ooc_noirmystere

This is Seth Ryans, Kalebs little brother. He is part of OOFTG but isn't very much like the two other band members in play aka he's shy and reserved. Seth is a great guy once you get to know him but needs a bit of prodding to come out of his shell. He relies on Kaleb a lot and the boys are really close.

He's new to Mystic Veil, a week and a bit late, but still new here. He attended a different school before here but decided to come here this year. He doesn't date a lot or anything but could probably do with an endgame or something. He's a cutie and you'll soon love him. Plot is love.

[info]herewolfboy in [info]ooc_noirmystere

Here's Another!

I'm not even gonna bother with a cute excuse. Y'all know me. Callie = ADDICT. So onward we go!

This here is Liam Rouen. He is the twin brother to Nikki's Cabe, and the cousin of Chele's Wade. Liam is your typical high school jock stereotype in many ways. Due to his family's past and exile in the eyes of others, he's got a bit of a chip on his shoulder to boot. Basically, since everyone thinks the Rouens are no good, he doesn't feel it necessary to prove them otherwise. Of course, he's not a complete dick, but he is unfailingly honest, temperamental, territorial, and the poster boy for 'Alpha Male' syndrome. Generally speaking, he likes to have a good time, be charismatic with the ladies, act like he doesn't care, etc. In reality, he is extremely loyal, fierce, and protective of his own. Not good with the Hallmark moments, and in fact he avoids emotional situations like the plague, but he's got a good heart in there. Provided you can look past the bravado and annoying tendencies (like ego)

Liam needs more friends (mostly likely a lot of jock-type boys, but who knows), flings, other exes (though this number will be smaller than flings), and people he clashes with. He has an endgame plot in mind, but I'm not opposed to messing around before then. Just hit me up with it, ladies! <3