April 19th, 2012

[info]lilscreenheart in [info]ooc_noirmystere

Hey everyone! Callie here. Just a quick heads up to let everyone know that I might probably? need a little hiatus starting tomorrow. There was an unexpected death in the family, and the funeral is on Saturday. Only catch is, it's in Chicago (I live in VA) So I'm flying out tomorrow afternoon, and will return Sunday night. I know it's only a few days, and I'm bringing my laptop, but I just don't want anyone to wonder why I'm not hovering online 24/7 like I always do. I will poke at stuff when/if I can, but it depends on the wifi there and whatnot how much time I have online; if any.

If you need/want anything from me, let me know here. We can set it up tonight and I'll poke at it before bed and when I can over the weekend. I'll still have my phone, so any emails you send me will reach me. And since most of you text me, you'll likely not get a break from hearing from me over the weekend. Still, feel free to keep me sane! I'm not posting this in No Man's Land or Terra since there's nobody new in either place. Just know it applies there too.