March 28th, 2012

[info]lostmyqueen in [info]ooc_noirmystere


Alright ladies! Two more for ya. (Callie here, btw. In case anybody isn't aware of the biggest addict up in this here place) At least I'm bringing in boys, yeah? YEAH. Ahem. On we go! (Under a cut to save the pages)

Boys boys, be my boy! )

[info]_practicality in [info]ooc_noirmystere

This is miss Evangelina (Eevee)Calius, a senior Sphinx whose had a pretty hard life but it will ll hopefully calm down. Basically she grew up in a slum kinda place with a mom who sucked rotten eggs and when hr parents died she hd to grow up and be Older Sister/Mom. She's a Mystic Veil oldie, as in she hasn't just rocked up and at the beginning of her senior year she had a pregnancy scare after having sex with Callum, her best friend, who she hasn't talked to since the scare (he doesn't even know about the scare!). She's actually lovely once you get to know her, it just takes some time- but as usual she's in need of friends and such :)
