December 23rd, 2011

[info]sizzleandsass in [info]ooc_noirmystere


Okay, not surprising to most of you, but Lia here is hurting my head. She's VERY awake right now, and is downright insistent. I blame this on watching a whole disc of Pretty Little Liars when I got off, but she's becoming a nuisance with her demands to play. Not to mention Aiya has decided to join in on the fun, so I have two of them kicking and stomping and shouting for attention in my head. O_o

So, anyone want to play with either Lia here or Aiya ([info]notsoladylike)? I'd love you forever and ever. I'm gonna tag them to the party, but I dunno if that'll be enough. PLEASE HELP! ♥