November 21st, 2011

[info]wemodthemystere in [info]ooc_noirmystere

The Two Main Covens

So as stated SOMEWHERE in the game information there are TWO main "secret" covens in Mystic Veil. These covens are VERY elite and won't accept just anyone. And while we will make it fair, it IS high school, and we all know high school isn't fair. So now that we all have more characters and people in play then we did when we FIRST made this list, let's figure out who is in which coven.

Now keep the following in mind.

1) You may have more then one character in a coven. We as mods are going to pick whom we think would have been chosen based on our discretion, and knowledge of plottage. And since we're all friends here, we trust no one will take any decision personally. However if you want to challenge any position or membership, message us privately.
2) Not all of the characters would have been nabbed for these covens right away as freshman. Some could join later, etc. Also, with people graduating and moving on, or even getting kicked out, some people could have been picked that way.
3) For the sake of plot, we're going to say the coven's haven't met yet for the year. (even though I KNOW they should have on Halloween, and All Souls Day, but they didn't, they were too busy) So they will start making their "selections of potential members" in December. This means the characters you want to be new to the coven would be getting their roses Dec. 1st from the coven leaders. Please feel free to throw in some characters who would want to be part, but might not make it through the initiation process, for fun! AND THERE WILL BE SPOTS OPENING UP THROUGHOUT THE GAME DUE TO PLOTS. So keep that in mind.

So here are what spots are taken as of now. And check out the page with the information on each position, mmkay?

...coven listings... )

There can be and ARE other covens. And one of the magical rules of a coven is that if another coven is formed and anyone within a coven is involved in another, the rituals won't work. There is a bond within a coven, that ritual magic performed within a coven that binds them together, much like an oath. If another oath is taken to bond to another coven, the individual will no longer be able to to perform magic with their original coven. This usually ends with the person being turned out of the coven, much like a ritual shunning. This doesn't always carry over to life at school, but it can. These are secret societies after all!

Questions? Comments? Concerns? Leave them after the beep!