October 25th, 2011

[info]letmerockyou in [info]ooc_noirmystere

LOOONG Intro!!!

OK! Hey guys. Callie here. As in Crazy Callie, maker of 3.4847229494 billion characters. Seriously, my kids could populate a small country. We could totally go to war. We have the numbers. *nods* But enough about my addiction lovable hobby! Time to intro some of those fabulous kiddos. I know, exciting times! I'm starting with my NEW kids, and then I'll do a separate post for my oldies. (Remember that small country thing? IJ will spit my post back at me if I try to do EVERYONE at once. Do not judge me!)

Onward we go!!! (Alphabet is fun so let's stick with that for OCD purposes!)

Annnnnd I'm finally done. Jesus. These are just my NEW kids too. The oldies coming soon (maybe not tonight because I'm over this now since that took so long lol) Hit me up on IM or email, as you know where to find me! YAY ALLAIRA REBOOT! ♥

[info]mercurial_aura in [info]ooc_noirmystere


And The Spirits Said: Let It Be Nicole's Turn )

[info]car_crash_heart in [info]ooc_noirmystere

Chele's Intro's Part 1

So here is part one of my probably 3 part intros. DO NOT JUDGE ME! I have an addiction! However, here is the first round of characters, most of my boys for Noir! Comment with suggestions, comments, what evers!
...The Boys of Noir Part 1... )

[info]water_witch in [info]ooc_noirmystere

My Intros (Much shorter than you crazy addicts)

[info]letmerockyou in [info]ooc_noirmystere

Alrighty, as promised, all my oldies! (AKA Take Two of my intros!) Many of you know them by now, but for the new people I am adding them in here. Plus I've tweaked some for the reboot so it's worth a new mention! Sticking with the alphabet theme D started with this one too.

Oldies but goodies )

WOOO! Done. For now....until I make more.... :D