October 29th, 2012

[info]jtoddz in [info]ooc_na

Joining the slow/hiatus brigade

Hey guys. I know I've been slow-ish with some threads and definitely plotting because work and rehearsal has taken over, but I'm going to have to extend that indefinitely as we just had a family emergency. Everything's okay-ish, but I'll probably have to go out of town for a couple of days and be with family so.

I'll try to tag into threads I'm already in now as I'll have WiFi and probably need a break, but I can't jump into anything new for a hot minute. Also, if I don't tag for awhile, my apologies.

[Jason, Mark, Booster, Kara]

[info]laterhater in [info]ooc_na


Woah, shit, ya'll. Let's just make the OOC comm explode some more.

So I've been feeling under the weather for a few days and have yet to really make significant progress on the road to recovery. Most of my days have been spent sacked out in my bed.

I think I'm caught up with a lot of the old stuff but I've yet to tackle any of the fun Halloween stuff. There's tons I want to do with that but it'll probably be later rather than sooner (provided no one minds me being slow.) If anyone needs me right away, you're welcome to poke me on AIM or drop me a line via email. I don't want to hold anyone up. ♥