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Jun. 12th, 2017


Just a reminder that there is an AC on 6/16, so get your tags in by then! Check the chart!

Jun. 3rd, 2017


Hi all,

Another AC has passed and all is well.

Your modly one will be taking the next AC on hiatus as well. I worked 52 hours the week before last and 47 last week, so things are still chaotic. Let me know if you need anything and I'll see you soon!

<3 <<^^>>

May. 16th, 2017


Another AC has passed, see you on the first!

The Modly One

May. 13th, 2017


Hello all,

Just a reminder that there will be an Activity Check on the 16th! Check the list and make sure you tag/post!


The Modly One

May. 5th, 2017


Hey all, We've had another AC and the following characters are available:

Barbara Gordon
Connor Hawke
Dinah Lance
Maxine Hunkel
Nyssa Raatko
Oliver Queen
Talia al Ghul
Zinda Blake

Next check will be 5/16!


The Modly One

Apr. 25th, 2017


Just a reminder that there will be an Activity Check on May 1st, so check the chart and make sure you post/tag!

The Modly One

Apr. 9th, 2017



According to all my tests, we're back in business. If there's still something wrong, let me know so that I can curl up somewhere and cry. There will probably be cursing.

I'll start doing Activity Checks starting next period, so if you're still with us, have a tag in sometime between 4/15 and 4/30.

I will also be on hiatus during that time, but I'll still be around when I'm not off having adventures with Mel.

All the love,

The Modly One

Mar. 28th, 2017


Hi all!

The glitches should be all better now, let me know if not. I had a hell of a time with it! I won't do an activity check this time, so the next one will be April 16th. We'll all get back on track. I know I have someone to add - sorry for the delay, I'll get on that. It sort of went on the back burner with everything else going on.

Let me know if you need anything,

The Modly One

Feb. 26th, 2017


Hey everyone,

Just remembered it's a short month, so the next AC comes up on March 1st, which is Wednesday! Make sure you've posted or tagged!

To my surprise, I looked at the calendar and realized that NA is five years old next week (and this week, unofficially). *blows noisemaker and puts on a party hat*. This means that the next AC is a free AC in celebration, but it is also once again time for RETRO WEEK(S)!

Last year Retro Week morphed into "Time Week", and I'd like to do that again. Should you wish to participate, you can do scenes in the classic style of Retro Week - an event that occurred in their past. You can also do something from their future! Scenes from the future do not have to remain canon, just have fun. You can also do some fun time travel stuff in the spirit of the comic books, because why the hell not? Let's all go kill Hitler and feel better about ourselves, then come back and deal with the ramifications of that.

Talk amongst yourselves - you have two weeks to play.

Happy Birthday, NA.

Especially to those of you who have been here since the beginning - Thanks.


Your Modly One

Feb. 19th, 2017


Another AC has passed. The following characters are available:

Hal Jordan
Helena Bertinelli

Feb. 12th, 2017


There's an AC coming up on 2/16, so take a look at the sheet and tag if you need to.

I'm on hiatus this AC for health reasons.

The Modley One

Feb. 4th, 2017


Another AC has passed! The following character is available:

Wanda Maximoff

See you next time!

The Modley One

Jan. 26th, 2017


Just a reminder that there's an Activity Check coming up on the 1st. Get your tags in!

The Modly One

Jan. 17th, 2017


Hey all,

Happy New Year!

Busy month - the following characters are now available:

Danny Rand
Victor von Doom
Natasha Romanoff
Pietro Maximoff
Tony Stark
Bobbi Morse

Next check is at the end of the month - don't let the man get you down!


The Modly One

Jan. 10th, 2017


Hi everyone, welcome back!

An Activity Check is coming up on the 16th, so make sure you've tagged or posted before then.


The Modly One

Dec. 18th, 2016



It's the end of the year as we know it - how are we all feeling?

AC Check good. As is tradition, in honor of the various holidays that happen at the end of the year, this AC is a free AC! Stick around and have some pressure-free funtimes, and also enjoy some time with your loved ones - or some much deserved alone time, if that's your preference. Mazel.

Does anyone want to do some sort of holiday related thingy, like we've done in the past? We've done a "Secret Santa", but it doesn't have to be that if someone has a better idea. Pour some ideas on me!


The Modly One

(Also, Robot Santa, the Hanukkah Zombie, Kwanzaa-bot, and the Solstice Jinni.)

Nov. 26th, 2016


In honor of the death of Bohemia, an impromptu salon will commence immediately following dinner... )

Nov. 2nd, 2016


Hi everyone!

Another AC has passed, and the following characters are now available:

Helena Bertinelli
Donald Blake

I am back from hiatus now that my world is calm!

Stephen Strange has a birthday this period!

Have fun,

The Modly One

Oct. 16th, 2016


Hi all,

Another AC has passed, yay us!

I'm still on hiatus, but here if you need me. I'm housesitting and have a wedding this coming week, and then the following week I've got a playdate with Mel!

Crystal is on hiatus (unless you're back?) and has been caught up in Hurricane Matthew. Be safe!

No birthdays this period.

Have fun!

The Modly One

Oct. 3rd, 2016


Hi guys,

Another AC has passed!

The following characters are now available:

Maxine Hunkel

Welcome back to Doom, and to Brett with Helena Bertinelli, and to everyone who was on hiatus.

There are no birthdays this month. :(

I'm probably going to be completely useless for most of this month, so I'm going to stay on hiatus and tag when I can. Lots of work and lots of travel make Kim a busy person.

I'm here if you need me,

The Modley One

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