Nov. 30th, 2015



Hey guys!

So you might have noticed that the game seems to have hit a bit of a lull. We, your friendly neighbourhood mods, absolutely want to help everyone (including us) get back on the horse. Given how full of drama the last few in-game days have been, we have decided that the best way to do that is to skip forward ten days, from the last logs. This will give our characters a chance to take a step back from all the drama, and it will hopefully make them all the easier to tag.

To that effect, we're going to need everyone to tag this post with each of their characters (please make separate comments for each character, for clarity's sake), so they themselves can figure out where they're at 10 days later, and we can all know where other characters are at. Don't hesitate to figure things out with each other in Slack (or via any other channel of communication) before posting here! Below is a template for what would be good to post in your comments below.

With a lot of love, and so much excitement for things yet to happen in game!

- Your mods

Jun. 27th, 2015


We wanted to do a quick post about the reflection of real world events in game, or rather the lack thereof.

When the game was started, there were a lot of natural disasters occurring all over the world. There still are. We discussed whether we should related such happenings to the game; fold them in as part of the consequences of the gods disappearing, and ultimately, it was decided that rather than reference any events happening outside the game, we would stick to fictional references.

With the Supreme Court's decision today, it's a cause for celebration not just for so many in the United States, but around the world. The coverage in DC has been joyous and unrestrained, and it's fantastic to watch that unfold. That Anteros would want to celebrate the decision is no surprise.

However, moving forward, please keep in mind that, as a rule, we will not mark events such as this in the game. The format and subject matter don't lend themselves to it nearly as well as Safe & Sane, for example, which is set in real time and in such a way that the ruling would certainly be marked and celebrated.

That being said - everyone who is free in game to attend Anteros' party - please don't hesitate and enjoy it!!

It's definitely cause for celebration!!

Mar. 14th, 2015



I generally try to update the charts on the weekend, so please check the following to ensure that your character information is accurate:

Contact List
Character Claim Chart
Community Timeline

The user info page for the Community needs an update, but I'm going to wait another week or so to let everything settle.

Quick reminders - please cut-tag your posts on the community, and if there is NSFW activity, please note that, as well. Thank you!

EDIT - Fan suggested a tag for NSFW, which makes a lot of sense, so it's there for your use.

Enjoy your weekend!

Feb. 27th, 2015


It’s been a couple of weeks since we relaunched the game, and I just wanted to touch base with everyone. We had a flurry of comments and new characters, but then things slowed down a bit, and I want to make sure everyone is still interested and make sure everyone with new characters and with established ones looking to get back into the action have an opportunity to brainstorm about ideas and ask for suggestions/help to get started.

The Contact List and the Community Timeline have both been updated.

If I’ve missed any of your characters or stories, please let us know and we’ll get it straightened out. I’ve been using Recent Comments to keep up with what’s going on, and every character in Labyrinthine has mod access, so that everyone can do the same.

The one great thing about the characters and storyline is that it’s a tangled happpy mess of connections that provide infinite possibilities, and everyone is just a poke away to get something started or ask any questions.

Do it here or by email, and don’t be shy - trust me, none of us can pull off shy. (and that's a good thing!)


Feb. 17th, 2015


Previously, in Labyrinth

Hey guys!

In this post, we're going to sum up the events of what we are referring to as "Season 1" of our game. If anything is unclear, please comment and we will clarify! We just want everybody to be on the same page, knowing that we will pick back up three months after the attack on the Society compound.

Zeus, Poseidon, Hades and Hera had been missing for going on ten years... )

Jul. 21st, 2012


Please respond after reading!

Hello, players!

This is your (hopefully) friendly mod Fan', here with just about a gazillion announcements.

Announcements about player departures, new characters, upcoming plot, and summer hiatus! )

May. 27th, 2012


Miscellaneous Stuff

New Character Intro and Not So New Character Intro )

PLOT: The new dirty word. )

Talk Dirty To Me. )


Okay, sorry for the wordy stuff, but I just wanted to put everything out there, and I'll screen the comments to this entry so that anyone who wants to comment on the down low may do so, or contact Gracie, Fan and I privately if you have any specific questions or issues.

And just to get that poking out of my system - the threads are up for the party with Komos and the gathering at Olympus - feel free to jump in.
Tags: ,

May. 20th, 2012


Upcoming plot!

Alright people, The Plot Is Upon us.

Just a heads-up to let you know that Ely is going to put up a one-shot about Adrestia infiltrating the complex, and that'll be the signal that everybody can start threading attack-related things. As soon as I can, I will put up gathering posts for Olympus and Komos's peace-and-love party, but because of timezones and RL, that might have to wait a little.

If you have any questions about anything related to this plot, please ask them here!

May. 13th, 2012


Player Contact List

I thought this might make it easier for us to keep up with who is writing whom and how to get in touch when someone wants to plaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.


Updated 7/28/15

May. 11th, 2012


Plot Post - Please read and comment!

Plotty plot stuff ahoy! )

Jun. 19th, 2011


The Labyrinthine Timeline - Season One

Under the cut is a comprehensive timeline of all Season One posts at the community Labyrinthine.

Season One )

May. 15th, 2011



Live and Learn. )

Apr. 23rd, 2011


Just a quick thing...

Spring in tornado alley is not exactly stable at the moment and we're supposed to keep having storms and possible tornadoes through Thursday, so power and patience are spotty for me. When I can be, I'll be online.

Okay, community stuff - I just wanted to say welcome (again) and let everyone know that I've updated the user info page on the community and the claimed chart.

When you joined the community, your character should have been made a maintainer so that you could access RECENT COMMENTS. One of my favorite features ever - it makes keeping up with everything so much easier. Gracie and I will take care of any membership requests and the like.

Also - quick reminder - if a post is over a paragraph or so long, please use a cut tag. OCD reigns supreme, I know - please be patient with us!


Apr. 15th, 2011



There are no set rules as to how the character journals are set up, though we do ask that you include the following on the user info page:

Character's name, mythology or history, in game location and affiliation. Also, please provide your contact information (email, messaging ID, whichever is best for you) and location and timezone.

If you'd like to use the same layouts as the initial players, codes can be found under the cut.

Layout Codes )


rules. the pantheon.

Rules. The Pantheon. )


rules. minor gods and demigods.

Rules. Minor Gods and Demigods )


rules. the society.

Rules. The Society. )

Apr. 14th, 2011



Claimed Characters )

To avoid confusion and tie-ups, character/PB claims will be held for three days for you to complete your application and post it to the application post HERE.

Please note that some characters are marked as inactive. If you are interested in any of these PBs or characters, leave a comment and one of the mods will contact you to discuss a potential adoption.

Apr. 8th, 2011
