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Sep. 3rd, 2008


Who: Zeus and Apollo
What: The Doctor Is In
Where: Apollo's house
When: BACKDATED to August 28th
Warnings: None

Was his age really catching... up with him...? )

Summary: Apollo gives the old man a ring and the two chat after he checks on his father's heart.

Aug. 25th, 2008


Who: Zeus, Hephaestus, Alana, Hades, Apollo, and possibly Hera. And maybe others. Who knows?

What: Hephaestus saves Zeus, much to his chagrin, and calls the family in.

Where: Zeus' office

When: Sunday night

Warnings: Craziness. Also, this is a thread scene. Post order is Hephaestus, Zeus, Alana, Apollo, Hades. Hera may pop in at some point. Go!

What would his mother do? There were no bastards to smite here. )

Summary: Zeus had a heart attack and Hephaestus saved him against his better judgment. All hell patiently waits its opportunity to break loose as others speed to the scene.

Aug. 15th, 2008


Who: Aphrie and Apollo
Where: Miami beach pier
What: Just talking and catching up
When: today, in the afternoon
Rating; G

If you are not Elton, then I am sorry I have bothered you, but if you are, do I have permission to hug my long lost brother, or is that taboo? )

Summary: Just bonding, and talking, actually the two at least this time seem to get along well.

Aug. 11th, 2008


Who Apollo and Dionysus
What: Putting out fires
Where: D's Apartment
When: Today
Warnings: Cussing?

Apollo made a note not to let D near anything that could start a fire again... )

Summary: Elton goes back to the apartment just in time to help put D out. Then the two kiss and makeup.


Who: Erato & Apollo
What: Comfort
Where: Erato's place
When: Yesterday; August 10, 2008
Warnings: Some more emo.

If I'm going to give you advice, I have to know what you're willing to fight for. )

Summary: Apollo retreats to his sister's home after his 'text fight' with Dionysus. Emo and cuddling ensue. Also? Doggies.

Aug. 7th, 2008


Who: Dionysus & Apollo
What: Making up and Making out. Sorta.
Where: D's bedroom.
When: BACKLOGGED; July 25, 2008
Warnings: Nada.

To poke or not to poke: a very important question. )

Summary: Apollo and D have a mostly sober conversation and, for the most part, make up.

Jul. 22nd, 2008


Who: Elton and Shiri
What: Super Brooding
Where: D's apartment
When: Today, early afternoon
Warnings: None

Hmm, that is a poor reason to give someone a cult. )

Summary: Elton is not dealing with with the fact that D is his brother and if anyone can relate to that, it would be Shiri. She tries to give him some advise until D comes back from whereever.

Jun. 28th, 2008


Who: Mel and Apollo
What: Thank You~
Where: Apollo's
When: Shortly after Erato fixes the bedroom
Warnings: None.

Blink. )

Summary: Mel goes to Apollo's to say thank you, and the meeting goes fairly well.

Jun. 14th, 2008


Who: Puck and Elton
What: What the FUCK, man? DDD:
Where: The shared condo
When: Saturday
Warnings: Argumentative! Grrr!

Poutyface. )

Summary: Pan and Apollo hang out and... bicker. They don't even know who each other is and they STILL FIGHT. XDD THEIR LUV IS SO TRU.

Jun. 9th, 2008


Who: Polyhymnia & Apollo
What: Quality Time
Where: The beach!
When: Backlogged; Thursday, June 5, 2008
Warnings: None

They all had weird...Apollo-dar or something, he was sure of it. )

Summary: Apollo and Poly meet for a day at the beach, and plan for more private activities later.


Who: Elton & D
What: Coffee and Arguments
Where: Elton's place
When: Backlogged; Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Warnings: Nada

I'll have to settle for nice reunion sex. )

Summary: D comes to see Elton after his run-in with Bast. They have coffee, cuddle, and then fighting breaks out when D's healing wounds are discovered. It all ends relatively well though.

Jun. 8th, 2008


Who: Nick, Hades, and anyone who replied to this
What: Thread, feel free to post now if you replied to the link above
Where: Nick and Mel's house
When: BACKDATED to Friday evening, after the Nick solo
Warnings: Ichor and aaaaangst, maybe more to come!

Ichor! Kills those humans dead. )

Jun. 1st, 2008


Who: Erato & Apollo
What: Sibling meeting.
Where: Apollo's digs.
When: Back-logged; May 29, 2008.
Warnings: Nada.

I just don't want stuff to be weird... )

Summary: Apollo needs to get something off his chest, and Erato comes to find out what.

May. 29th, 2008


Who: Polyhymnia & Apollo
What: Shhhh, Apollo is a secret
Where: Apollo's House
When: Yesterday, dinner time
Warnings: None

So, it is like you are a special secret then? )

Summary: Apollo has something to tell Shiri. She goes to him to hear it. Then he eats eggplant.

May. 19th, 2008


Who: Elton and D
What: TLC
Where: D's Apartment
When: After D leaves the big war meeting
Warnings: Fluff

Well. This was...certainly worse-case scenario stuff. )

Summary: After D exhausts himself with scrying, it's up to Elton to pick up the pieces.


Who: D and Elton
What: Important decisions are made.
Where: D's apartment.
When: Back-logged; May 14, 2008. (Takes place after a scene which has yet to be done. D:)
Warnings: Fluffiness and mild emo.

Yeah. I know. I'm so huge~ )

Summary: D and Elton spend some quality time together and make a big decision about their future, so to speak.

May. 5th, 2008


Who: ???
What: Stealth Missions and Morning Surprises
Where: In the yard of Elton Nius' home, Miami
When: Sunday Night into Monday Morning
Warnings: Mystery-tastic

Looking around, the time of day was beginning to make itself known, and a quick escape was needed. )

Summary: A cloaked figure conducts a stealth mission mysteriously in Elton Nius' yard.

Apr. 14th, 2008


Who: Mel & Apollo
What: Meeting again.
Where: 24hr Coffee Shop~
When: Tonight
Warnings: Emolicious.

I'll tell my sisters to leave you alone. )

Summary: Mel and Apollo meet again for the first time in months. It does...not end well.

Apr. 2nd, 2008


Who: D and Elton
What: Cheer
Where: D's Apartment
When: Today
Warnings: None really

Perfectly ridiculous. )

Summary: Elton needs a fix, and he tries to use his beau to get that.

Apr. 1st, 2008


Who: Elton & D
What: Scheming~
Where: D's apartment
When: Backlogged; 03/31/2008
Warnings: Emo and lies.

You...won't tell anyone I'm here, will you? )

Summary: In an effort to get a bit of a break from his family, Elton heads out aimlessly to find a place to crash. He ends up at D's apartment, who agrees to let him stay for an indeterminate amount of time. Plans are made to keep it a secret.

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