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Sep. 5th, 2009


Who: Nick, Mel, Helen, and anyone else who was invited:
What: (belated) Happy Birthday!
Where: Back lawn of the main Aiolos property
When: Just after 3:00 PM
Warnings: None so far. Remember to tag yourself!

"Helen, no." Now the first and second, respectively, most often used words that Nick used nowadays. In this instance, from the toddler chewing on a tablecloth edge. She turned around with wide eyes, surprised. She'd been caught!

He had to laugh at the expression and picked her up. "You know better, {princess}. Come on, let's go find Mommy." She babbled her agreement. Right then. Off they went, into the small crowd of people who'd arrived. The party was being held outside, so everything that needed to be off the ground were on big round tables, just out of reach from children and pets. The weather was fair, the grass was soft, and in an added bonus for Nick, Hades was nowhere in sight.


Sep. 3rd, 2009


Who: Hera and Persephone
What: 'Pregnant?'
Where: Persephone's House
When: BACKDATED Aug 28
Warning: None

Hera, kidding? )

Summary: Hera goes to see Persephone by request so that she can find out if the younger goddess is pregnant or not.

Jul. 27th, 2009


Who: Hera & Hades (with the Lot Twins)
What: Sibling Lunch
Where: Hades' office
When: Backdated. 7/24
Warnings: none

No way of determining that really, Lil' Sis. Can't see into the alternate futures to compare )

Summary: Hades and Hera resume their weekly lunches together after a bit of a hiatus and discuss the current shake up in his romantic affairs. Hera needs both sides of the story.

Jul. 25th, 2009


Who: Hestia and Hera
What: Comfort
Where: Hestia's house
When: BACKDATED to July 19th
Warnings: None

A quiet bar is for the end of the evening, not the start. )

Summary: Hestia is still a bit down in the dumps, so Hera offers to help distract her with a night on the town.

Jun. 27th, 2009


Who: Zeus and Hera
What: Babiez, y/n?
Where: Their shared home
When: BACKDATED to June 24th
Warning: Nothing! Shocking, I know.

Is this the part where you surprise me about being a Daddy? )

Jun. 6th, 2009


Who: Greeks and Native Americans
What: Informal Food Eating
Where: A private part of the Aiolos Estate, near the woods
When: Sat, June 6th
Warning: None yet. Tag yourself in.

Well, everything seemed to be in order. There was an awning over some chairs and tables, with one table holding an arrangement of foods that wouldn't be edible to eat for a number of hours as they sat in their containers with ice or flames beneath them. The staff for the catering had already been sent off for the time being, as had any other staff members that had slipped in.

Hera was looking over things, checking that everything was in place for an informal meal. There was little decoration on the tables and surrounding space, with plates in stakes at the end of the buffet table. Fruit, salad, chicken, bread, soup, and a variety of small deserts, with another table holding a variety of cool drinks. Satisfied at the preparation, she looked about checking, that that dog of Melpomene's wasn't sneaking around again, sniffing at all the food. The muse also seemed to have disappeared. Interesting. It mattered little. There would enough other things to see to without bothering over one anti-social muse.

Apr. 7th, 2009


Who: Zeus and Hera
What: Gotta go home sometime
Where: Their home
When: Early evening, BACKDATED to after the last Hades/Zeus scene
Warnings: None

Oh, wine. That sounded delightful. )

Summary: In a moment of weakness, Zeus turns to his wife.

Apr. 1st, 2009


Who: Hera and Hades
What: Tea and Scones
Where: Hades Office
When: This afternoon
Warnings: Beware of Zeus' temper...

Too British to refuse... )

Summary: Hera brings tea and scones to Hades office so they can have a little chit chat about current events. They end up talking not only about Hades relationships, but Hera's (one) relationship.

Mar. 29th, 2009


Who: Hera, Hestia, and Hades.
What: A meeting
Where: Hera's office
When: BACKDATED to the 27th, Friday
Warnings: Some tempers flaring, but not much.

What he needed was more pills and more M&Ms. Unfortunately, he was all out of M&Ms. )

Summary: As planned, Hestia and Hades head to their first every conjoined therapy session. It has its ups and downs, but eventually a plan is made. If not to the best of everyone's wishes.

Mar. 10th, 2009


Who: Hades and Hera
What: Lunch Time Chit Chat
Where: Hades' Office
When: Friday before the Wedding
Warnings: None.

You are not a goddess of mercy or guilt... )

Summary: It's one of Hera and Hades normal lunch time chit chats, but this time the two are considering some of the meaning of the attacks from the Egyptians and the upcoming wedding. They decide that more action should be taken.

Feb. 28th, 2009


Who: Val, Jarrod, their wedding guests
What: Wedding Reception
Where: The Jube Hotel
When: Sunday, March 1
Warnings: None, so far?

Happy? )

Feb. 13th, 2009


Who: Hera & Hades
What: Dream analysis
Where: Hades' office
When: BACKDATED. Friday 6th (I do believe). Afternoon
Warnings: none

I do not know that you will truly enjoy the first answer that comes to my mind )

Summary: After their weekly lunch together, Hades asked Hera to explain to him the meaning of a series of dreams he is having. She may not be Morpheus, but she gives it the old college try.

Jan. 21st, 2009


Who: Hestia, Hades, the twins and all invited party guests
What: Party
Where: Hestia and Hades' house
When: BACKDATED to the 20th, around 4 PM
Warnings: None

Something was different today. Ed and Eric could almost sense it.

Or at least, it seemed that way to Hestia, the way their eyes and ears followed her as they sat on the kitchen floor on their blanket, toys to keep them happy while she put together the last treats for their first ever birthday party. While they seemed rather nonplussed about it, unaware of the special day, Hestia could barely contain herself. Her only sons had lived an entire year... had made it through a risky pregnancy and birth, and look at them now. She couldn't help but feel proud of it all, and yet, humbled. Humming happily, she put some cupcakes aside and continued work on the cake. Punch could wait.

Jan. 13th, 2009


Who: Hera and Hestia
What: Cookie Convos
Where: Hestia's Shop
When: BACKDATED! Sat, the 29th of December
Warnings: None.

She was sure a member or two would take pleasure in biting heads off. )

Sumamry: Hera goes to see Hestia about her cookie order.

Dec. 22nd, 2008


Who: Ares and Hera
What: Lunch
Where: Nice little lunchroom - Downtown Miami
When: Backdated - Thursday December 4th, 2008
Warnings: None

Bored guards did not seem nearly as responsible )

Nov. 24th, 2008


Who: Hera and Hades
What: Lunch Appointment
Where: Mostly... Lot-Sloac House
When: Friday, Nov 21
Warning: Brooding? ... I think that's the worst...

If you truly would rather eat it cold you can place it within the freezer until it is a suitable temperature. )

Summary: It's Friday, which means lunch for Hades and Hera. Or would, if he was at the office. Learning he isn't, Hera give him a call, and hunts him out to get her normal lunch meeting with him. They talk.

Sep. 30th, 2008


Meeting Scene

Who: [Posting Order] Dahlia, Devil, Zeus and Hera
What: Meeting the Folks...kinda
Where: Zeus's home
When: Saturday Evening
Warnings: None so far

#Stop trying to make me laugh. I don't need your help with that.# )

Summary: Dahlia and the Devil make their arranged meeting with Zeus and Hera.

Sep. 28th, 2008


Who: Hera & Hades (Julie-NPC cameo)
What: Indoor Brother/Sister Picnic
Where: His Office
When: Backdated. Friday
Warnings: None

Zeus, love him as she certainly did, was more likely to disturb their quieter brother if brought to lunches as well. And Hera was aware of this. )

Summary: Hera and Hades agreed to have weekly lunches, which Hera remembered about, so she goes to his office. They eat and talk.

Sep. 9th, 2008


Who: Hera, Zeus, Odin or June, Trystan, Richard
What: Meetings
Where: Odin's Hide out, DC
When: BACKDATED Sept 5th
Warnings: None.

Hestia? Babies? )

Summary: Hera and Zeus make their trip to see Odin and discuss ... developments.

Aug. 25th, 2008


Who: Zeus, Hephaestus, Alana, Hades, Apollo, and possibly Hera. And maybe others. Who knows?

What: Hephaestus saves Zeus, much to his chagrin, and calls the family in.

Where: Zeus' office

When: Sunday night

Warnings: Craziness. Also, this is a thread scene. Post order is Hephaestus, Zeus, Alana, Apollo, Hades. Hera may pop in at some point. Go!

What would his mother do? There were no bastards to smite here. )

Summary: Zeus had a heart attack and Hephaestus saved him against his better judgment. All hell patiently waits its opportunity to break loose as others speed to the scene.

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