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Oh Marvelous

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Come along with me and take a ride. [09 Jan 2010|01:05am]
Characters: Spider-Man and Stature, OT other street levelers
Setting: New York City, dusk
Content: Nothing bad
Summary: Cass and Pete go patroling

Grapevine [09 Jan 2010|12:14pm]
Characters: Tony, that Kaplan kid and Choco-bear.
Setting: Outside S.H.I.E.L.D. HQ, and in the city
Content: Nick Fury. Pretty safe, actually.
Summary: Tony and Nick have some things to talk about to keep the world safe. This thread also offers an appetizer and a dessert. Ask your server for details!

a totally, exhaustively, unforgettably fulfilling night )

I remember the time I was kidnapped and they sent a piece of my finger to my father. [09 Jan 2010|03:30pm]
Characters: Billy Kaplan, Kidnappers
Setting: NYC Streets
Content: Swearing, Possible violence
Summary: Someone recognizes what Billy is.

He said he wanted more proof )

I need a fix 'cause I'm going down. [09 Jan 2010|05:51pm]
Characters: Happy, OTA There's lots of people he hasn't met
Setting: Stillman Boxing Gym, early evening
Content: Nothing
Summary: Happy hangs around the old boxing gym.

Down to the bits that I left uptown. )

[09 Jan 2010|06:46pm]
Characters: Remy Lebeau, Clint Barton
Setting: Cafe/Surrounding area NYC
Content: Violence
Summery: HYDRA wants to hire a thief

When a thief kisses you, count your teeth )

[ viewing | January 9th, 2010 ]
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