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Oh Marvelous

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[08 Jan 2010|01:27am]
Character: Pietro, Wanda
Setting: Avenger's Tower
Content: TBD
Summery: Pieto wants to check on Wanda

Remember me and smile, for it's better to forget than remember me and cry )

runnin' with the devil [08 Jan 2010|03:07pm]
Characters: Speed and Mystique (Evil Wanda)
Setting : New York City, Shield Prison (Back dated Jan 8th)
Content Prison break
Summary: Raven's plan works and Tommy sets out to do some dirty work for Magneto.

I'm going to tell ya all about it )

Incised [08 Jan 2010|04:28pm]
Characters: Steve and Tony
Setting: Avengers Tower, after this.
Content: Brief kissing. No homo.
Summary: The incident with Black Cat was a kind of trauma Steve is not used to and Tony lives for. Tony, the healer.

they didn't shift and their breath didn't hitch )

Run, you'll never escape, you see, you'll go nowhere... [08 Jan 2010|07:32pm]
Characters: Billy, Teddy, Wanda
Setting: JFK International airport, main lobby thing before security check in, early evening
Content: Nothing bad
Summary: Billy goes to the airport to see Wanda and Teddy off.

Based on who you appear. )

[ viewing | January 8th, 2010 ]
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