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Oh Marvelous

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[10 Jan 2010|01:54am]
Characters:Billy Kaplan, Kidnappers, Mephisto
Setting: Somewhere in India
Content: Mild violence
Summery: What will become of Billy Kaplan? Set the day after this

Somehow our devils are never quite what we expect when we meet them face to face )

Job Hunting [10 Jan 2010|12:18pm]
Characters: Deadpool, Nick Fury
Setting: SHIELD Headquarters
Content: Deadpool. Language is probably assumed, and explosions are always a risk.
Summary: Deadpool needs a new job.

What's an unemployed merc with a mouth to do? )

[10 Jan 2010|05:10pm]
Characters: Deadpool, Pepper Potts
Setting: SHIELD Headquarters
Content: To quote: 'Deadpool. Language is probably assumed, and explosions are always a risk.'
Summary: Ms. Potts makes a friend?

It's clearly a budget. It's got a lot of numbers in it )

The trap springs [10 Jan 2010|05:52pm]

Characters: Gambit, Hawkeye, Lots of Hydra Agents
Setting: Upstate New york, Private mansion 
Content: Trick arrows and charged cards.
Summery: Run little mouse, run.

I don't really care about it anymore. [10 Jan 2010|11:41pm]
Characters: Cassie, Pietro
Setting: Avengers Tower common room, midnight
Content: Probably some bickering.
Summary: Cassie is displeased. Some housemate bonding.

I close my eyes. )

[ viewing | January 10th, 2010 ]
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