February 11th, 2010

[info]oblivionmods in [info]oblivion_rp


Shortly after ten, the elevators roar to life and resume their paths to the nearest floor. Crew members are waiting for the occupants to apologize, and offer cards for free meals and spa treatments for the remainder of the cruise! Those on staff who were trapped are also offered these bonuses.

It's absolutely okay to continue threads still-trapped in the elevators. We just wanted to give everyone else a chance to move on.

[info]pollux_flint in [info]oblivion_rp

Who: Lizzy and Flint
When: around 3PM, December 27th 2009
Where: starting at Cyamites, D Deck

a study in avoidance )

[info]mercury_atlas in [info]oblivion_rp

Who: Eddie and Lizzy
When: Lunch time
Where: Eurycleia's Cafe

So far Lizzy's day had been fruitful: Wake up, coffee, breakfast, coffee, wander, coffee, awkward conversation, more coffee. Now her stomach was telling her it was the time for the lunch portion of her day's festivities. Lucky for her, her wanderings had just happened to bring her upon Eurycleia's Cafe just as the rumblings in her stomach were starting to get annoying. Doubly lucky, while the cafe was busy this time of day, there just happened to be one nice little empty table which was just perfectly Lizzy-sized. She took her seat, looking around self-consciously at the tables around her as she noticed that they seemed to all be occupied by couples, families and other people who weren't solitary. Pity party, party of 1.

[info]itsallashow in [info]oblivion_rp


who: Brooklyn and Jude
when: After the power comes back on
where: Out on the deck somewhere where there is the sky and air, glorious fresh air!
what: TBD

holdering for a possible something or other mebbe, will delete if not )
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[info]el_iosef in [info]oblivion_rp

90s night for those born in the 90s

Who: Iosef and Helena
When: Let's say 8:10pm
Where: C-Deck (exterior)

Despite having liked the 90s as much as the next guy - even though he honestly didn't remember them all that much anymore - Ossa seemed to have become a bit too stuffy for Iosef's taste after a while. So, he decided to make his way down to the C-Deck and onto the exterior deck to partake in his most favorite past-time.

Once he got on the deck Iosef realized he wasn't alone, at least on that particular spot, and worst of all: There was a dog there. If humans could smell marijuana from miles away, imagine dogs. And it could easily go one of two ways: Either the dog smelled it and didn't care, or smelled it and got curious.

Sighing, Iosef leaned against the railings and, just to be polite, didn't move away from the girl (well, it also might have been because she was damn cute) with the dog. Instead, he smiled, nodded once and said "Evening."

[info]irishwreck in [info]oblivion_rp

Oh and an' now it's fekkin' dark. Spades. (placeholder)

For Callum and Katie I think...

[info]gamergeek in [info]oblivion_rp

I hate this boat

Who: Slav and Gor
When: Night, after the elevator incident
Where: The room they share

By the time he got out of the stupid elevator, Gor was ready to explode. He honestly surprised himself with even having the ability to coherently find his way back to his room, taking the stairs of course. Fuck elevators. If he never saw another one for the rest of his life, it would be too soon. Entering the room he shared with Slav, he slammed the door, pushed himself back against it and slid down to the ground. "I hate this s-s-stupid b-b-boat." he cried. Of course that was a total understatement. Hate wasn't strong enough a word for how he felt about the boat. About the elevators and about the girl and Crocodile Dundee. "I'm never riding in an el-el-elevator again."
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[info]things_unseen in [info]oblivion_rp


Who: Finn and Helena
Where: Helena's room
When: After the elevators release

Helena was worried this time. Her father hadn't shown up and while it was wonderful to get a shower and rid herself of any sort of smells of anything but sweet, innocent baby girl, afterwards, it just made her wonder what happened to her dad. Was he alright? Was he hurt? Was he out looking for her because she wasn't in her room when the power went off? Either way, she ended up laying on her bed, not sleeping, head against the pillows, blankets drawn up and Sundance beside her. "He'll be home soon." she kept saying aloud though she wasn't sure how much it would convince her.

When the door clicked open, she breathed a sigh of relief and called out for her father. "Daddy?"
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