February 2nd, 2010

[info]verrecolere in [info]oblivion_rp

I'm not sorry I met you, I'm not sorry it's over, I'm not sorry there's nothing to save

Who: Delia and Danny
When: 11AMish
Where: Helios Deck

The ship was huge, there was no denying that and it was definitely grand, the first day had been spent being daughter to an Ambassador, to pretending everything was fine. One big happy family. When in reality Delia couldn't stand being around her father, or her mother. The only ones she could stomach were her brothers and that was because they understood, they were Cole children as well. They shared pain.

Today though, today was all hers and for the moment the work she'd brought along was pushed aside to make room for relaxation. No matter how fleeting it may be. Slowly Delia made her way through the ship, stopping to breathe in the salty sea air and enjoy the sunlight, but only momentarily, she had a destination in mind, a place she hoped would be relatively deserted at this time. Wrapped in a fuzzy bathrobe, Delia slunk on to the Sun Deck and glanced around, making sure there wasn't anyone around before slipping off the robe and settling into a lounger for some much needed sun.