Jun. 26th, 2017


Oliver Queen, if this is your doing cause you said we needed a vacation.

You are in BIG trouble, Mister.

Jun. 23rd, 2017


Scott? Melissa? Please someone be here. I can't bare to lose anyone else.

Jun. 21st, 2017


Who: Erin and Kitty
What: Meeting
Where: Their place
When: Now
Warning: Should be none
Read more... )


First werewolves exist and now this? I hate my life.


Well I guess I should be asking questions, but I always seem to find out answers in other ways.


Text to Kitty

How are you doing? I feel like we haven't chatted much since being pulled to somewhere new.


Why is this always happening to members of my team? Dinah? Anyone want to tell me what's really going on?

Jun. 14th, 2017


First, I land in a town called Beacon Hills, now Oakdell? I'm getting a little tired of being tossed around like this.


... This is a prank, ja? This is getting me back for all the things I've done to Kitty and Jean? Please tell me this is a prank.