August 20th, 2017

[info]cantcountonyou in [info]oakdellic


Hey, are you doing alright?

[info]blood_junkie in [info]oakdellic

Alright I'm bored. Who wants to be dinner?

[info]betawolfliam in [info]oakdellic

Who: Kid!Stiles Stilinski and Kid!Liam Dunbar
What: having some fun and causing mischief
When: earlier this afternoon
Rating: Low their just kids
Status: closed/ongoing

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[info]maidensofodin in [info]oakdellic

This place is just amazing.

Do see my daughter as a teen, as a child, sure it's in reverse, but I know soon, at some point, she will be an adult.

It's seeing all the things I never would have seen if this place hadn't brought me here.

[info]finallycluedin in [info]oakdellic

Who: Allison, Chris and Matt
Where: Argent House.
What: Hanging out.
When: Now.
Rating: Low

Yeah, maybe my head's fucked up, but I'm falling right back in love with being alive )