Aug. 5th, 2017


Private to Bucky

Hey, you! Haven't seen you in a while. We should hang.


Zvezda Moya

Поужинайте со мной

Jul. 28th, 2017


Moya Zvezda (James)

Значит, теперь Клинт остается со мной.

Jul. 23rd, 2017


Bucky and Clint


I got a housemate.


You remember the kid at the airport fight?

Jul. 21st, 2017


Who: Natalia and James
When: Friday night
Where: Portal in town (Alternate version where neither of them existed)
Why: Boredom struck
What: Going through one of the portals
Status: Closed/On-going
Ratings: Mild
Triggers: Language and violence

These two should be supervised )


What the fuck?!

Excuse me, but I am Steve Rogers and I'm not sure how or where I am. Someone care to explain what's going on?

Jul. 12th, 2017


James Barnes

Wanna go through one of the portals with me?

Jul. 6th, 2017


Okay, so, uh, waking up in a random house is not the weirdest thing to ever happen to me, but still not awesome. I'm sure tons of people have asked and I am going to totally ask anyway...Okay, so here it goes: how do we get out of here?

Jul. 2nd, 2017


Who wants to go with me to the Karaoke Bar to celebrate my birthday!?

Jul. 1st, 2017


Who: Romanoff and Barnes
Where: Her place
Why: Because Nat is very bad
When: After this
What: Letting off frustration
Rating: Fade to black
Status: Complete

There's a curse between us )



How are you holding up without Steve here?

Jun. 30th, 2017


Who: Darcy and Daisy (Possibly Bucky)
Where: Daisy's place
When: Thursday night
What: Drinking
Why: Because it's fun?
Status: Closed/On-Going
ratings: TBD

Drinking party at Daisy's )