August 8th, 2017

[info]spideygwen in [info]oakdellic


I am an awesome cat owner!

I took you to the beach!

[info]makeitgrow in [info]oakdellic

old lace is here!!!!!

[info]ihatemath in [info]oakdellic

Nothing like disappearing at the wrong times.

But one a positive note, heres looking to be safer than back home.

[Private to Scott]

Did you go home?

[info]inmydiary in [info]oakdellic

Who: Elena Gilbert and Damon Salvatore
Where: her apartment
When: later this evening
What: Elena went home she shares what happened with Damon
Rating: Possibly high?
Status: ongoing/closed

Read more )

[info]rottenmal in [info]oakdellic

Who: Mal and Ben
Where: under 18 club
When: later in the day
What: She can finally say she loves him
Rating: TBD
Status: ongoing/closed

saying I love you )

[info]rottenmal in [info]oakdellic

text to Dagny

Hey let me know when you want to hang out again. I'll teach you how to do magic like you asked.

text to Vanessa

I'm sorry again that I worried you about my disappearance. Did you want to do something in a few days or maybe tomorrow night?

[info]sarcasticfriend in [info]oakdellic


[info]impulsivewolf in [info]oakdellic

Private to Derek

Did you wake up to something from home?

[info]irktheheart in [info]oakdellic

elena + damon + caroline

...I have the white oak stake.

[info]acoolname in [info]oakdellic

WHOA HO! IT IS LIKE FREAKING CHRISTMAS! I can handle getting gifts from home.

[info]sparkingvulpine in [info]oakdellic

Who: Scott and Kira
Where: cupcake shop
When: backadated to last night
What: talking
Status: on going
Warnings: none?

You can find me in the space between )

[info]dagny in [info]oakdellic

Holy cake balls my necklace is here! I mean I have my mom in my life now but this necklace still means alot to me and I'm so glad it's suddenly showed up here.

[info]fairycurious in [info]oakdellic

August 8 | Zarina


[info]ihatemath in [info]oakdellic

Who: Malia and Scott
Where: Lydia, Stiles and Scott place.
What: Malia and Scott hanging out
When: Now?
Rating: Medium.
Open: Sure to the others in the house.

I was worried... )