August 5th, 2017

[info]redledgerkiller in [info]oakdellic

Zvezda Moya

Поужинайте со мной

[info]spideygwen in [info]oakdellic

So.... Do I have to register for school??

[info]wereyounapping in [info]oakdellic

Who: Steve and Clint
When: Saturday afternoon
Where: Steve's house
What: Testing out Peter's security system
Why: Steve needs a test subject. Sorry, Clint.
Status: Closed/On-Going
Ratings: Mild maybe because of Clints mouth

Old friends, same shinenagins )

[info]nameofscience in [info]oakdellic

Who: Darcy and Clint
When: Saturday night
Where: Darcy's house
What: Clint is two hours late for dinner
Why: Steve used him as a test subject.
Status: Closed/On-Going
Ratings: Mild maybe because of Clints mouth

You're late )

[info]thanksbutyuck in [info]oakdellic

Private to Bucky

Hey, you! Haven't seen you in a while. We should hang.

[info]spideygwen in [info]oakdellic

Who: Gwen and Thomas
When: Saturday night
Where: Oakdell Park
Why: Meeting up
What: Making new friends
Status: Complete
Ratings: TBD

Making new friends )