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Posts Tagged: 'samantha+corner'

Feb. 12th, 2015



[No Subject]

I wonder what they'll find to investigate next.


Do you want to go out and grab something for lunch with your sister?

Keep in mind that maybe and no are not acceptable answer. I will however accept YES!!! (with that much enthusiasm and excitement to spend time with your sister) or Of course!

Feb. 11th, 2015



[No Subject]

Today is actually such a wonderful day out!

I am sorry for waking you up earlier!


Jan. 26th, 2015



[No Subject]

[info]novsilajournals's snowing...purple snow. Not strange at all.



[No Subject]

Now this has been a very interesting weekend in Scotland, indeed. I am so glad I took a trip to see the relatives, indeed.

Jan. 24th, 2015



[No Subject]

I heard the play went off brilliantly, even though I didn't get to see it. It would have been nice if somebody could have warned me that sneezing would get me tossed asked to leave.

Jan. 22nd, 2015



[No Subject]

Well. I suppose that learning to fly around an active volcano is one way to work on reflexes and such. Poor med guys. Had their work cut out for them. But at least the work out was amazing, mind and body. So there's that. Even if my hair is a little singed. Oh well, it'll grow back.



[No Subject]

Well...that wasn't something I was expecting to run into today at practice. Never thought I'd be running through a jungle instead of flying around. But call it out of the box cross-training, I suppose?

Jan. 21st, 2015



[No Subject]

I think I might finally be getting over that cold I caught earlier this month when I got stuck in that clothing rack. Or at least I hope I am.


I know everything's a bit nuts right now so I wanted to find out if you were okay to find out if you might want to take a break from all of it and go with me and Toby to the dog park this evening. Get a bit of a breather and you know Toby loves seeing you. And so do I

Nov. 22nd, 2014



journal: sabrina corner

Gotta love trade season, huh?

( Hannah )
I think you may have undersold how intense this could all get just a bit, but I have to say that I'm pretty grateful it's the Magpies we work for right now.

( Xanti )
Was this the big news you were dying to tell me, but couldn't? When are you officially here in the UK? I'm taking you out and we're going to celebrate, because that's brill, Xan. I'm so happy for you!

( Michael )
You're being an idiot Let's go for lunch tomorrow, if you're not too buried in paperworkd.

Nov. 12th, 2014



[No Subject]

Hello everyone! Just a reminder that we did not cancel the Coffee Event tonight at the pitch! So come on down, and sample a lot of amazing coffee vendors! All of the proceeded go to developing countries, so you get awesome beverages and help a bunch of people! And it's my project baby All of you visitors from the future are MORE than welcome to come as well! I even think some of the vendors are talking of a time-traveler discount! Because I'm a genius

Speaking of which, the mug is empty, time for a refill.

So if anyone needs me, I'll be taking over the pitch and helping set up for the rest of the day, now that the players are done with it!

Nov. 11th, 2014



[No Subject]

Wotcher, I'm Kennedy Stretton and this is all really weird. But, hi?

Oct. 27th, 2014



[No Subject]

Okay, zombies are one thing...but ones that are coming at me with a hair brush is another! I was just running some errands after finally getting out of the office at like 7. and a few came at me trying to brush out my hair! It was beyond weird. At first I just thought it was punk teenagers trying to have a laugh, but guys, this aren't teenagers. I screamed and dropped all my stuff And I'm pretty sure I can live without the stuff I needed to get until they go away.

Oct. 3rd, 2014



[No Subject]

Another educational edition of Witch Weekly it seems.

Aug. 12th, 2014



[No Subject]

Stupid staircases. Someone remind me why we even have moving staircases.

Aug. 11th, 2014



[No Subject]

Oh, wow, you caught me, Quidditch Weekly. I'm definitely spying on the Magpies so I can report back to my siblings. I mean, there's no way I'd want to just earn a career on my own merit or anything, right?

It used to be such a good magazine, too.



[No Subject]

This is 1000% Alicia's fault!

cut for image, not warded )

Aug. 10th, 2014



[No Subject]

Pro tip: Attempting to dance on a broken toe is a really bad idea. I guess I should have let the healers fix it, but it seemed silly to waste a bone mending on a toe. Definitely rethinking that decision now. I'm still super grateful I'm not Katie. That was gross.

In other news, if you haven't already hear, the Magpies have asked me to stay on when the summer's over, so I actually did have something to celebrate besides that spectacular victory!

Warded Private to Conrad Bradley
How's your stomach? You got punched pretty hard there the other day.