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Posts Tagged: 'erin+troy'

Dec. 14th, 2015



[No Subject]

If nothing else, this is possibly the most entertaining lot that has been at Pride in a few years. I found flowers on my desk from the team. This is so lovely!



[No Subject]

The season is looking to be a good one this year judging by the last match.



[No Subject]

I swear, I invoked the spirits when we names Jim. Woke up and he had managed to get out of his crib, and was on the floor of the parlor with his toys.
That I mad put away last night. Torn between scared and proud.

Dec. 11th, 2015



[No Subject]

I always feel like before the season starts it's this rush to get so much paper work in order.

Not that I'm complaining, I just realized I hadn't really been around much lately with everything going on and the whole starting the season in January. I know changes due to world cup and other things, but it really makes for a different feeling December.

Dec. 1st, 2015



[No Subject]

This is absolutely my favorite time of the year! I broke out all of the boxes of Christmas decorations and piled them up in the living room last night. Since, after last year, Kade kind of asked me nicely if I could hold off on putting them up until December. BUT it's now December first, and I'm going to make our house look like a winter wonderland. Even if we can't get our tree until this weekend. BUT STILL. I'm so excited!!!

I mean, why else master the fake snow falling charm?



[No Subject]

A new month, a new team, a new season of giving. December really is off to a bright start, in my book. I'm so excited to be a part of the Pride Nation, and I really can't wait to get to know my new teammates, staff and fans! This is going to be a wonderful way to send off the year and kick off the new one and season.

[Hexed to Anthony, Erin, and Kevin]

So...I got an odd letter from my mother this morning. And I don't quite know what to do with it.


Nov. 19th, 2015



[No Subject]

Well, I think I finally got everything put back in its place. I guess it all worked out that my place didn't sell while I was back in Texas. And that magic is probably the best thing to happen to moving since the box was invented.

So with that being said, I know it's not celebrated here, but I'll still be having my annual Thanksgiving dinner at my place next Thursday! So if you want some free food done the only way I know how to make it (a lot of it), then swing on by. It should all be ready to go around four. And be kind, this is the first time I'm doing it all on my own. Last year, ma was over here to help me while Jacksass Johnnie picked at everything.



[No Subject]


So I was thinking that this Sunday we could try that new cafe that just opened up a block away from Diagon. And then if you like, I could make appointments over at Madam Primpernelle's for our hair? I don't know, I just kind of feel like pampering us this week. Then maybe we could hit up our usual haunts like the book store and what not? I'm also open to other ideas if you're not feeling that as well. Not going to lie, it's what I've been thinking about after Annie accidentally spilled green paint all over me this afternoon, and suddenly it was paint on mummy time.



Emma, feel like going out for a glass of wine tomorrow night?


So I had the kids briefly at the office for a little while this morning. I should have known something was up when they got all quiet. Next thing I knew they turned my office into wall into a giant mural. I have to say, even though I don't want this behavior to continue at home, I rather like it in my office. I keep looking over at it and smiling.

I know, it's kind of weird. Oh well.

Nov. 18th, 2015



[No Subject]


So, I've been doing a lot of thinking. And just after press day, it's just become clear that I don't think I can handle the rest of my career here. I need help, is there any interest out there to get me somewhere else?



I didn't want you to hear it from anyone else, lovely, I am asking for a trade elsewhere. But, that doesn't mean that I'm about to let you get away without seeing me often. And I'd like to spend some time with my favorite lawyer this weekend if you're free for tea or something.


There's just something about taking my old running paths in the morning that I really did miss. I think for a while I just ran them so often I just sort of forgot about how pretty the tress look when the fog hasn't quite lifted yet, and the way the early sun is just starting to break it all up. It's nice.


Nov. 15th, 2015



[No Subject]

So. Dead people being brought back to life as non-zombies.


Well...that's interesting news to say the least.

So...anyone one of them play quidditch? Because you know, trading season and all. Just curious.

Must not check out ever single book that I can find on this at the library. Pile is big enough as it is.

In other news...if anyone is interested, I'm having a meeting about planning my next fundraiser for the Opaleye reserve. Figured it'd give me an excuse to get out of the flat for a bit.

And go to the pub.

I'm going to the pub and probably talking about dragons.

Nov. 9th, 2015



[No Subject]

Fell asleep to a somewhat hairy man, and woke up to an even hairier man sleeping on my floor. I don't think I've gotten out of bed this quickly in...well, whenever the last time I had to handle some sort of crisis my players decided to create for me. And this is so much better. And I think I scared the hell out of my dog, who is still kind of confused. He ran into a wall.

The dog, not Andy that is.

I'm thinking that maybe boss-man might understand if I take my first vacation day in...let's not admit to how long.


How are you? Make it back okay?



Baby's fine. Went into the healers first thing to make sure that none of this...whatever that was messed up anything. He looked at me like I was mad because I guess I was in yesterday. But, we're still just fine.


Oct. 21st, 2015



[No Subject]

I woke up this morning and I realized that my brother is back and still here.

Best feeling in the world.

No one tell him about Cal and I...or the baby. We'll

I just, it's hard to put it all into words.

So I made a giant-sized breakfast instead.



[No Subject]

I think I'm going to set up a little beach day for the kids, if anyone wants to join us this afternoon. I think Annie finally got it that daddy had to go home, I can't tell if Callum is there yet or is just dealing with it better. So I figured a fun day at the beach might cheer them up.

So, really, adult, kid, whoever, you're more than welcome to join. I'll probably bring some kind of snacks as well. We'll be on the north side. This house feels so empty

Oct. 20th, 2015



[No Subject]

I can't do this again I

Are you okay?

[Roc, Strat, and Pad]
How the fuck can I be there for Bee when I can't even be there for myself.


Oct. 7th, 2015



[No Subject]

How much longer can this go on? It's fucking maddening just sitting here and not being able to do a bloody thing. Я не знаю, сколько еще это я могу взять.

My one consolation right now is that Conrad's a healer, a thumping good one at that. So, hopefully, having a healer out there will bode well for everyone.



[No Subject]

I need a hug.

I'm so proud of everyone in there right now. It looks super hard, there is no way that I would have gotten past the backpacks. I'm really proud of them for surviving.

I hope Laura's out soon though.

And everyone else.

I just miss my sister.

Oct. 6th, 2015



[No Subject]

I honestly don't know how much more of this I can handle watching. I tell myself to look away, but then I panic in fear that I'm going to miss something so I end up glued right back to the screen.

Oct. 1st, 2015



[No Subject]

Not that it really matters anyways, given we are all stuck here anyways...

But why did we all move bungalows?

[Class of 99 + 00 + Bradley's minus Eddie]
It's Eddie's birthday today. I know it's also Cedric's but we should really make sure Eddie has a good one

Sep. 24th, 2015



journal: raleigh rivers

Right, I know I said things were getting a little dull at home, but honestly that wasn't a hint or anything.

We're really actually stuck here? I'm going to be so fired if I'm not back in London by Monday.



journal: ginny weasley

Oi! Friends and Weasleys! I know some of you lot are here.

Are we absolutely sure George isn't behind all this? Because it seems like the sort of thing he'd think was a laugh.