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Posts Tagged: 'jameson+westlock'

Dec. 30th, 2015



[No Subject]

Alright y'all, listen up. My friend Vince is here visiting for over New Years from back home. I think I introduced him to a fair number of you during the World Cup, he was one of my chasers. He's the Puerto Rican looking fellow that was following me around like a lost puppy always yammering on about something, in case you don't remember him. I know, there were a lot of people there. But he's a friendly guy, and he's heard me talk so much about you guys, figured that I'd show him around while he was here! So, be nice, or not, whatever. Just if you see him lost around Diagon, just point him to the nearest place to get a beer, yeah? I'd greatly appreciate it!

Dec. 14th, 2015



[No Subject]

If nothing else, this is possibly the most entertaining lot that has been at Pride in a few years. I found flowers on my desk from the team. This is so lovely!



[No Subject]

I swear, I invoked the spirits when we names Jim. Woke up and he had managed to get out of his crib, and was on the floor of the parlor with his toys.
That I mad put away last night. Torn between scared and proud.

Dec. 11th, 2015



[No Subject]

Two days until the first Friendly. This should be a very interesting event, both teams look different from last year.

How is Pride treating you?

You seem to be a lot happier now that you're with a friendlier team.

How are you settling in at Pride?



[No Subject]

Thank Merlin for Wine.

Dec. 8th, 2015



[No Subject]

Wasn't last night fun? I didn't go to the Hogsmede festival last year, can't really remember why, but I skipped it for some reason. But, I'm glad that I went this year. I think I must have drank my weight in coco. Whoops. Oh well, worth it.

It just kind of gets you into the spirit, doesn't it?

Nov. 28th, 2015



[No Subject]

One would think players that spend so much time in the public eye would stop prattling on about how poor they are.

I do hope Puddlemere's new and old players alike remember that I am not around to deal with your problems legally speaking in a dating matter. If your girlfriend is having a hard time do not come to me. Suck it up and deal with your own sad pathetic problems that no one actually gives a shit about anyways.

Nov. 26th, 2015



[No Subject]

Hey guys, friendly reminder that Ernie is dating the other ginger in the league, yeah? Let's not call us a cute couple when he works on my wrist.



[No Subject]

Fucking hell.

I fucked up. I fucked up bad.

Nov. 19th, 2015



[No Subject]

Well, I think I finally got everything put back in its place. I guess it all worked out that my place didn't sell while I was back in Texas. And that magic is probably the best thing to happen to moving since the box was invented.

So with that being said, I know it's not celebrated here, but I'll still be having my annual Thanksgiving dinner at my place next Thursday! So if you want some free food done the only way I know how to make it (a lot of it), then swing on by. It should all be ready to go around four. And be kind, this is the first time I'm doing it all on my own. Last year, ma was over here to help me while Jacksass Johnnie picked at everything.

Jun. 22nd, 2015



[No Subject]

[Filtered to friends]

So, despite not being in my own body...I had a pretty good meeting. I was trying to keep it all on the down low because I wasn't sure how it was going to go. Or something that I really wanted for that matter. However, that being said, I got offered a really good deal, and I think I want to take it. The Rio Grande Rattlers have offered me their starting spot, and it's one of the teams back home that has a talent for helping to develop talent for future World Cup teams. And given how poorly we preformed this go, the chance to lend a hand to further develop the next one, would be a really high honor. That and their willing to buy out the little bit left on my Prides contract and move me back home.

And that's the other thing, I think I've been gone from Texas too long. That because really clear when my brothers showed up. I think it's time to go home for a while and look after them. Because the Rattlers aren't just on the same country, I'm a half hour in bad traffic away from where I grew up and where my folks are still.

I'll miss you guys terribly, and I'm sure at some point I'll come back over for visits when I need a vacation. But I just thought you guys should hear it from me first before it gets announced officially once all the i's are dotted and t's are crossed.

Jun. 14th, 2015



Private to friends

I heard a rumour about how to fix all of this... but I don't really buy into it entirely.

Jun. 2nd, 2015



[No Subject]

I do believe this has been the most wonderful trip I have ever taken. I'm saddened to have to part with Italy for a few days to take care of business in England, but I cannot wait to return.

[The Girls]
Well, it seems I am no longer an old spinster waiting for time and age to take me. Jason decided that there is something he quite likes about me.
Asked me to be his girlfriend last night.

You called it, I have to head back to England for some work with Pride. I'll say hello to the dear old pitch for you.
I had a lovely time last night.

May. 25th, 2015



[No Subject]

Just a reminder that if you're all looking for a good time, come on down to the beach today! We're still throwing our Memorial Day bash and they're going to be plenty of food and fun for everyone!

Did I mention there's going to be a lot of food? Because I was up half the night feeling sorry for my working on it. Promise you won't be disappointed!

May. 13th, 2015



[No Subject]

Who would have thought that Irish Culture Day would be get the captain pissed outta his tree day? Aye, mates, you lot are really taking this day to heart.

Lass, why ain't you here yet? Got me some spare seats!

I have a pint for you waiting, love. Where be you?

May need you to carry me home tonight, laddie!



[No Subject]

I would have liked to play better this world cup.

Where the hell did we fall apart?



[No Subject]

Can’t wait for the weekend to take on Bosnia! It’s going to be brilliant. And hey, weren’t people saying that Portugal didn’t stand a chance this world cup? Guess that was a load of crap.

May. 7th, 2015



[No Subject]

SOMEONE SENT ME FLOWERS! THEY DIDN'T LEAVE A NAME. If it was you, let me know because you are very sweet and it really made my day!!!


I was told you have had it pretty quiet without me. So I just wanted to say that I miss you as my trainer. You are a lot nicer.

May. 4th, 2015



journal: indira choudry

Happy International No Pants Day and welcome to Italy where we apparently take that shit literally. Fortunately, I am secure enough in my own hotness that I don't mind walking around without pants all day.



journal: a.j. cadwallader

Bloody he Has anyone seen my pants?