November 29th, 2013

[info]_kahea_ in [info]nomadsrpg

Week Four - Monday -Late Morning

Who: Kahea and Scarlet and/or Savage
When: Week Four, Monday, June 20, 2016
Where: Savage's place in Chet territory
What: Kahea is dropping off leftover food
Rating: PG?
Status: In-Progress

Mahalo in person. )

[info]_miles_ in [info]nomadsrpg

Week four - Monday - afternoon

Who: Miles, Theo, then Lou
When: Week Four, Monday, June 20, 2016
Where: Tawa living area
What: Miles has a question for Lou, but Theo finds him first
Rating: PG
Status: In-Progress

He wasn't sure if he should just come out and say it, or wait to be spoken to. )

[info]pixie_dust_ in [info]nomadsrpg

Week Four - Tuesday -Evening

Who: Pixie and OPEN
When: Week Four; Tuesday
Where: Lawu territory, her house boat and the water near it
What: Pixie is just breathing and swimming
Rating: PG?
Status: OPEN

It was nice to take a moment and just breathe. )