November 17th, 2013

[info]nomadsmods in [info]nomadsrpg

Week Four - Post-Timeskip

Sunday 19th June 2016 to Saturday 25th June 2016

Weather -

Warm with maximum temperatures of 27 degrees, (on Thursday), and minimums going as low as of 12 degrees, (Tuesday). No rain but Wednesday will be a bit gusty at times.

Tribal Birthdays

22 - Lawliss

Week Events -

The town and it's tribes are slowly recovering from the events back in January.

Wide plots -

The death of Bridget has seen Marigold promoted by vote to the leadership of the Cano, and Saga’s crackdown on outsiders has tightened the grip of the Chets on the areas which used to be more relaxed and open, and has now made Cascade Locks a much more dangerous place not to belong to a tribe than it used to be.