Posts Tagged: 'character:+kurt+hummel'

May. 23rd, 2013





Hogwarts is smoldering as all the flames have been put out. Teachers and aurors are keeping any and all students away from it except the older students that have volunteered to help go inside and search for anyone stuck. Walls and towers are gone. The castle is ruined.

The grounds are covered with magical tents that the school had purchased after last year's fire incident. It is organized chaos with teachers and aurors trying to sort things out. You might be alone in a tent. You might be sharing with six other people. Wherever the auror or teacher put you that is where you will be sleeping.

The quidditch pitch has become the spot to hang up missing person pictures along with the people that had died in the battle. There are flowers and candles everywhere. The students are allowed to go to Hogsmeade but it must be in a group and a teacher or auror must know about it.

Parents and guardians are coming in already to find their children but no one is allowed to leave until they have a complete head check and make sure everyone is out of the castle.

Jan. 26th, 2013


GLEE Performances

WHO: Will and the glee club
WHERE: The Choir Room
WHEN: Fri, January 25, after classes (backdated)
WHAT: Performances

Which one will you choose? )

Jan. 19th, 2013



A Call to Arms!


Found plastered to walls all over Hogwarts Castle, in dormitories, in common areas.
Stuck with rather powerful magic and unable to be removed easily.

Jan. 14th, 2013


[No Subject]

Who: Kurt Hummel and Tori Karofsky
What: High tea with the Queens
Where: Empty classroom
When: Monday the 14th of January
Warnings: None so far!

I don't want tea, I want justice! )

Jan. 7th, 2013



Backlog: New Years Eve with Kurt & Blaine

Who: Kurt & Blaine
What: New Years Eve Celebrations
Where: Hummel House
When: New Years Eve
Warnings: None

Let's Start the New Year Right... )

Dec. 24th, 2012



Christmas Present Thread


Tis the season of giving and receiving! Please post any and all gift giving that you don't role play out here to cut down on the many threads/owls. Thank you!

Dec. 1st, 2012


[No Subject]

WHO: Will and the GLEE kids
WHAT: Sectionals
WHERE: Western Ohio High School
WHEN: Sat. Dec. 1

Will looked in the mirror and straightened his tie. It had seemed like they were on shaky ground over the last day or two, with a couple of the members threatening to jump ship, but in the end the team seemed to have come together. He knew that the only way the group would go all the way to Nationals would be to get over their differences, and make the music he believed they could make.

He made his way into the auditorium and took his seat.

Nov. 6th, 2012



Left for Kurt on his bed; a letter & a red rose

Your Not-So-Secret-Admirer )

GLEE Assignment #4 - Performances

Who: Will and the Glee club
What: Performances!
When: Friday Nov. 2, after classes (backdated)
Where: The Choir room
Warnings: TBD

A world of song )

Oct. 19th, 2012



[No Subject]


Who: Open to All!
Where: The Great Hall
When: Fri. Oct. 19, after dinner
What: The first ever Muggle movie night!
Warnings: Teenagers in a dark room, who knows!

Just a step to the left, and a jump to the right. )

Oct. 10th, 2012


[No Subject]

WHO: Kurt and Blaine
WHEN: 10/10, after classes
WHAT: Tracking down the ruffled Blaine
WHERE: Astronomy tower
WARNINGS: Self-harm, Depression

Love is a sweet thing... )

Oct. 5th, 2012



Private to...

[...Tina, Finn, Liv, Dean, Misha, Zach, Joanna, Fawn, Hunter, Lonnie, Sam, Mercedes, Clint, Stiles, Etta, Michael, Bella, Samuel, & Danny]

Keep it secret, Keep it safe. )

Oct. 4th, 2012


[No Subject]

WHO: Kurt and Blaine
WHEN: 10/4, after Musical Theater Club Meeting
WHAT: Kurt is determined to do something.
WHERE: Dungeons

You're not alone anymore. )

[No Subject]

WHO: Lonnie, OPEN
WHEN: 10/4, after classes
WHAT: Musical Theater Club Meeting
WHERE: Room of Requirement
WARNINGS: None so far, TBA

All the world's a stage... )

Sep. 20th, 2012


[No Subject]

Who: Joanna and Kurt
What: Hospital visit!
Where: Hospital Wing
When: Thursday, September 20, after classes
Warning: N/A

Warning: Lots of chocolate ahead )

Sep. 13th, 2012


[No Subject]

WHO: Kurt and Blaine
WHAT: When one is hurt... the other will come
WHERE: Infirmary
WHEN: September 13th
WARNINGS: Nothing yet.

The sun never shines on closed doors. )


WHO: Kurt and Blaine
WHAT: Sexy time as a distraction
WHERE: Room of Requirement
WHEN: September 12th, skipping dinner

Whips and chains excite me. )

Sep. 11th, 2012



[No Subject]

Who: Kurt and Stiles plus bullies and Bryan
What: Not everything at Hogwarts is rainbows and butterflies
When: Sept. 12, Afternoon
Where: Hallway
Warnings: Homophobic slurs. Fighting.

You upset me, girl, and then you kiss my lips / All of a sudden, I forget that I was upset )

Aug. 10th, 2012



[No Subject]

Who: Tina, Bella, Etta, Kurt, and Joanna
What: Talking, bonding, and fun for Tina's Birthday
Where: The Cohen house
When: Thursday night, 8/10/12
Warnings: None, yet.

Girls just wanna have fun )

Aug. 3rd, 2012



Back-log: Klaine

Who: Blaine & Kurt
What: Festival times & more
Where: Founders Week Festival
When: Tuesday, July 17th, 2012
Warnings: none

I honestly love you. )

Jul. 20th, 2012



[No Subject]


Masquerade! )

Jun. 21st, 2012


[No Subject]

WHO: Kurt and Blaine
WHAT: An apology for Kurt's impulsive douchery
WHERE: Serenity Village
WHEN: Thursday June 21, Afternoon

If you wanted the moon i would try to make a start )

Jun. 19th, 2012



[No Subject]

WHO: Bella, Etta, Tina, and Kurt
WHAT: Emergency Girl's Night
WHERE: Sorrento house
WHEN: Tuesday, June 19, late evening

Kurt needed her so Bella would put on a brave face )



[No Subject]

Who: Kurt and Blaine
What: Walking back to their dorms after the feast.
Where: A hallway
When:Monday night, after the feast.
Warnings: None.

I just thought that for once you were looking at me. )

Jun. 18th, 2012



[No Subject]

WHO: Everyone
WHAT: End of the Year Feast
WHERE: The American Wizarding Academy
WHEN: Monday, June 18, evening
WARNINGS: Bunch of kids in the thread

End of the Year! End of the Year! AFRO CIRCUS! )

Jun. 11th, 2012


Furt Log

Who: Finn and Kurt
When: Saturday, June 9
Where: Washington DC
What: Adventures in DC

DC awaits us! )

Jun. 8th, 2012


[No Subject]

Who: Open To Everyone
What: The teens of Hogwarts work off some stress!
Where: The Firehouse, Washington D.C.
When: Friday, June 8, evening
Warnings: Under age drinking, dirty dancing, drama! Trigger alert non-con in the alleyway.

Oh man/Why are you starrin' at me/Mack on me and my friends it's kinda a creepy )

Jun. 7th, 2012



Thread: Kurt & Blaine; movie night and confessions

Who: Kurt & Blaine
What: Hanging out & confessions
Where: Blaine's dorm at the Academy
When: Thursday June 7th, evening
Warnings: None

There's something I need to tell you... )

Jun. 3rd, 2012



PLOT: Exams in Washington DC, the American Wizarding Academy


Welcome to the American Wizarding Academy of Washington DC )

Jun. 2nd, 2012



[No Subject]

Who: Michael, Misha, Dean, Rory, Sam, Zach, Blaine, Etta, Tina, Bella, and Kurt
What: Boys being peeping toms
Where: Hummel Household
When: June 2nd, Evening
Warnings: Uh things and stuff

The boys were up to no good )

And BOOM went the thread )



[No Subject]

Who: Etta, Bella, Tina, and Kurt (and some boys being peeping toms)
What: A ‘girl’s’ night
Where: Hummel Household
When: June 2nd, Evening
Warnings: Etta is in the thread. People will be scarred.

It was going to be a night to remember )

Jun. 1st, 2012



OWL POST [mass post to every student of Hogwarts]


May. 26th, 2012


[No Subject]

Who: Kurt and Blaine
Where: The Silver Kettle
When: Sunday, May 27, morning
Why: Blaine is taking Kurt out for his birthday
Warning: none expected

Happy Birthday Beautiful )





Delivered via owl at 8pm, Saturday evening. )

May. 24th, 2012


[No Subject]

Who: Finn and Kurt (special appearance by Barole)
When: Sunday, May 20th
Where: Kurt's place, Serenity Village
What: A friendly visit and then some

I don't want the weekend to end. )