Posts Tagged: 'owl+post'

Jun. 1st, 2013



Owl to students

Welcome to the American Wizarding Academy of Washington DC )

May. 28th, 2013



OWL to Mr. Clint Barton

Official Ministry Owl )

May. 23rd, 2013



Owl and delivery for Santana


Happy early birthday. I know it's really tomorrow, but Merlin forbid I wait and forget, and then you'd make my life hell. For now, the passes are for this coming weekend, but if you want to change it, just send an owl to the club.

~ Lily

Enclosed are a half dozen passes to Lily's club, Pandemonium, including use of the private room. Also enclosed is a charm bracelet X ).

May. 16th, 2013



Owl to Stiles

A beautiful black barn owl flies in at breakfast, bearing a small letter addressed to Stiles.

Nightwing )

May. 13th, 2013



Owl to Stiles

The Stilinski family owl came flying in bearing two letters, one from Stiles' father detailing Derek's condition, the other from Derek

Stiles )

Apr. 30th, 2013



Owl to Misha

A letter via owl sent to Misha Meru )

Apr. 21st, 2013



Owl sent to Agron

Owl for Agron )



Owl sent to Sam Evans

Owl for Sam Evans )

Apr. 10th, 2013



Left on Stiles' bed

Attached is this note:

You can open this one in front of people, don't worry.

And inside... )

Apr. 9th, 2013


Owl to Dean

The Puckerman owl delivers a small package to Dean )

Owl to Tina

The Puckerman owl delivers a small package to Tina )

Owl to Lonnie


How are you doing? I'm sorry I haven't been able to send an owl sooner. I know I'm a horrible best friend. I miss you, Kitten. Tell me that you are well and that you miss me. Can I beat up the asshole yet? I could get suspended and come visit.

I have gifts for you from my travels,

Mar. 23rd, 2013



Owl Post to Clint (Saturday morning, before boarding the train)

Delivered by Clint's hawk is a covered basket with a card on the outside of it.

----- )

Mar. 21st, 2013


Owl to Lonnie

Hey little girl,

It feels empty, and boring as hell, without you here. I'm hoping you're still at my place, come Easter. I need to see you.



Mar. 16th, 2013



Owls sent to Brody, professor Schuester, Sam Evans and Michael Meru

Owl for Professor Schuester )

Owl for Brody Weston )

Owl for Sam Evans )

Owl for Michael Meru )

Mar. 10th, 2013



Owls to Misha, Michael, Maddy, Mark & Matt Meru


I can't tell you why, but don't go near Sanguine Gardens. Don't go there, don't eat there. Misha, don't let Bella anywhere near there. You'll understand later.

- Dad

Mar. 9th, 2013


[No Subject]

Two identical letters land on Santana and Tori's places at breakfast )

A letter arrives at breakfast for Puck. It is enchanted so only he can read it, everyone else sees gibberish. )

A package drops unceremoniously into Michael Meru's lap )

Mar. 7th, 2013



Owl to Derek Strider

A package by a school owl arrives for Derek with no note attached )

Feb. 15th, 2013



Sent to Sam

Sent via owl )

[No Subject]

A package waits on Puck's pillow )

[No Subject]

A package arrives in the evening and waits on Tina's bed )



[No Subject]

Left for Bella, so that when she enters the room, she will find that it is covered in red roses.

A note reads: To my amazing and loving wife. I will never deserve you. All my love, Misha

Feb. 14th, 2013


Owl to Viktoriya Karofsky

The Puckerman owl delivers a small package to Tori )



[No Subject]

Sent via one annoyed looking house elf )

Sent to Nat via Hawk

Sent via one scary looking hawk )



Sent to Puck

Sent in one gigantic package being carried by one tiny owl )



Sent to Dean

Sent in one gigantic package being carried by one tiny owl )

Owl to Trista

Roses are Red, Your hair is blue... )



Owl to Santana

You've got a friend in me )



Owl to Tori

Oh how beautiful you are, my darling!/Oh how beautiful!/Your eyes are doves )



Owl to Natasha

Thank you for being a friend )



Return Dog to Stiles (nsfw)

Arise, come my darling/my beautiful one, come with me )



Owl to Misha Meru

A owl delivers a basket of goodies for Misha )

Owl to Santana Lopez

A owl delivers a package and letter for Santana )



Dog to Derek Strider

Batman delivers a package and letter for Derek )