Posts Tagged: 'event:+glee+weekly+challenge'

Apr. 26th, 2013


[No Subject]

Who: Will and the Glee kids
When: Friday after classes
Where: Choir room
What: This weeks Glee assignment
Warnings: TBA

Pain throws your heart to the ground / Love turns the whole thing around )

Apr. 22nd, 2013


GLEE Assignment


I am what I am. )

Feb. 8th, 2013


[No Subject]

WHO: Will and the Glee kids
WHAT: Performances
WHERE: The Choir Room
WHEN: Friday, after school

We will rock you! )

Feb. 4th, 2013


GLEE Assignment


And now, the moment you've all been waiting for. )

Jan. 26th, 2013


GLEE Performances

WHO: Will and the glee club
WHERE: The Choir Room
WHEN: Fri, January 25, after classes (backdated)
WHAT: Performances

Which one will you choose? )

Jan. 24th, 2013


GLEE Assignment


Gearing up for Regionals )

Nov. 6th, 2012


GLEE Assignment #4 - Performances

Who: Will and the Glee club
What: Performances!
When: Friday Nov. 2, after classes (backdated)
Where: The Choir room
Warnings: TBD

A world of song )

Oct. 30th, 2012


GLEE Assignment #4


The International House of Song )

Oct. 19th, 2012


GLEE Assignment #3 - Performances

Who: Will, Bryan, and the Glee Club
Where: The Choir Room
When: Fri. Oct. 19, after classes
What: GLEE Performances - #3
Warnings: TBA

Dream big, or go home. )

Oct. 16th, 2012


GLEE Assignment - Number 3


Dream a little dream of me. )

Oct. 6th, 2012


GLEE Assignment #2 - Performances

Who: Will and the GLEE Club
What: Assignment #2 Performances!
Where: Choir Room
When: Friday Oct. 5, after school
Warning: TBA

Making movie music in the moonlight. )

Oct. 1st, 2012


GLEE Assignment - Number 2


Let's go to the movies! )

Sep. 21st, 2012


First GLEE Club of the year!!

Who: Will and the GLEE Club
What: Week 1 GLEE Performances!
Where: Choir Room
When: Friday Sept 21st, after school
Warning: TBA

It's a grand night for singing! )

Sep. 17th, 2012


Welcome back to GLEE!


Welcome back gang. This year promises to be both challenging and exciting. More than ever, we're all going to work together to build a show that will be remembered for years to come. I really want us to start thinking outside the box. In recent years, some of our members have given us great performances by challenging the gender boundaries of music.

This weeks challenge is to perform a song by an artist of the opposite gender!

So now is your chance to sing that song you always wanted to, but you never thought "guys could sing Mariah Carey" or "girls could sing Johnny Cash". Throw all those old notions out the door, and have some fun!

Performances are on Friday. I look forward to hearing everyone there. Also, don't forget to bring along any friends who might to join in. The more, the merrier.