Posts Tagged: 'character:+headmaster+figgins'

May. 10th, 2013



[in the journals of every student and teacher at hogwarts]

Dear Staff and Students,

I must inform everyone that there is a werewolf running loose and wild in the Forbidden forest and it has attacked one of our students. We have aurors on the search for it but for now I must restrict any activities outside of the castle. You will need a teacher or auror with you if you leave the castle until we find the creature.

I would also like to say goodluck to the New Directions as they are on their way to Nationals. Make Hogwarts proud!

Thank you.

Headmaster Figgins

Mar. 7th, 2013


[No Subject]

WHO: Bryan, Lonnie, Figgins
WHEN: Evening, 3/6
WHERE: Figgins' Office
WHAT: Lonnie's "confession"
WARNINGS: Mentions of Student/Teacher relationships

I'm gonna fill your head with such pretty little lies )

Feb. 21st, 2013




Dear Staff and Students,

I am happy to announce that we are taking everyone on a week long skiing trip to the wizarding ski resort Happy Trails Mountain located in the Rocky Mountains. Yes I know this is sudden notice but we were still preparing everything up till this morning. We will be leaving by portkeys, which was one of the many hold ups, Sunday morning. More details will be given to you Sunday.

Thank you.

Headmaster Figgins

Feb. 10th, 2013




Dear Staff and Students,

As many have you come to realize the cupcakes at the dance were cursed. We don't know by who but the aurors and staff will get to the bottom of what happened. As we don't know for sure how long the effects of the cupcakes will last I have decided to cancel classes until Thursday. We don't want to encourage bad behavior under the influence of the cupcakes. I ask you to stay in your dorms and common rooms and to behave yourselves.

Thank you.

Headmaster Figgins

Feb. 4th, 2013




Dear staff and students,

To get your mind off of what is happening around the school I would like to announce that there will be a Valentine's Day Dance Friday night. I expect everyone there to celebrate the holiday. We are having an outside catering service bring in tasty treats for you so we aren't over working our hard working elves.

Also don't forget our Glee group is heading to Regionals next weekend. Make sure to cheer them on!

Thank you.

Headmaster Figgins

Feb. 1st, 2013



[In the journals of every student and teacher at Hogwarts]

Dear staff and students,

I would like to wish everyone a late welcome into the new year. I hope during this year, we can all mature and grow together.

I do not want students to be alarmed. There will be aurors in the hallways and around the campus. They will also be around during Hogsmeade trips, which will now be shorter. There is no need to worry or fear. What is happening is standard protocol. After a few weeks, they will leave.

Please do not look into it either. There's no reason to. Incidentally, all magazines and newspapers from Hogsmeade will be prohibited on campus. We don't want students to be get carried away with things that are not their studies.

Thank you.

Headmaster Figgins

Nov. 22nd, 2012



[No Subject]

In the journal of every student, a message is left

Students and Staff of Hogwarts,

I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving!

I am sorry I could not allow a choice in going home or staying this year, but it's for the best that everyone stayed inside. The weather has been atrocious lately so traveling would have been dangerous. There will be no classes tomorrow and the Great Halls will stay open all day and night in case anyone wants to come back for seconds or thirds.

Stay safe and enjoy yourselves!

Headmaster Figgins

In the journals private just for the professors and other staff of the school, Figgins included an extra message.

Teachers and Staff of Hogwarts,

I regret to inform everyone but please be on the alert. Since Hogsmeade this weekend, a student has been missing and has not turned up at all. Since the beginning of the month a few adults have gone missing as well. An article on the disappearances has been written, but I've thrown away every copy so students don't find out. I even used that weather excuse just to keep them here. I don't know what's going on, but I need everyone to stay quiet. I don't want the Bureau finding out or else there will be investigations going on. Thank you.

Oct. 27th, 2012



[No Subject]

WHO: Figgins
WHERE: Great Hall
WHEN: Oct. 26, 2012 - Friday morning
WHAT: Announcement

As the voices of the students grew loud in the Great Hall, Figgins first tried clearing his throat to gain their attention. When that didn't work, he whistled loudly, then let his voice echo for everyone to hear.

"Students of Hogwarts, I am informing you that next Wednesday, on Halloween, we will be hosting a party for everyone. Students will be encouraged to dress up and dance. Treats will be provided for those that have tricks. Ha ha ha." When no one laughed at his little joke, he coughed lightly and continued. "Candy and other snack foods will be provided for the students. We hope to see everyone dressed in their scariest costume yet."

Oct. 18th, 2012



[No Subject]

WHO: Figgins
WHERE: Great Hall
WHEN: Oct. 19, 2012 - Friday morning
WHAT: Announcement

"Good morning students of Hogwarts," bellowed the voice over the whole Great Hall. Figgins made sure everyone was quiet so they could hear the news. "I would like to inform and invite everyone to the Monster Movie Night tonight in the Great Hall. We will be showing the films Rocky Horror Picture Show and Night of the Living Dead. There will also be a vendor from the Sweet Shop if anyone would like candy or other snack foods.

"Do not forget that Hogsmeade will also take place on Saturday! Now everyone, enjoy your day and be prepared for the fright of your life. Thank you."

Aug. 19th, 2012



[No Subject]

An entry appears in every student's journal. The writing is in elegant, legible cursive and the Hogwarts seal can be seen in the upper right hand corner.

Dear students of Hogwarts,

I, Headmaster Figgins, hoped you all had an enjoyable summer. In two weeks, by this time, you will be back at Hogwarts. I hope you are all excited to be back.

Please remember that on September 1st, the Hogwarts Express will leave the Lima Station (at Platform 9 3/4) at 11 A.M. Please be there early enough to get a good seat. You will arrive in the evening to a wonderful feast in the Great Hall and to the sorting of the first years. After dinner, a prefect will guide you to your House common rooms. That Sunday, you will be free to relax and prepare yourself for classes on Monday.

Enjoy the rest of your summer! You'll have quite a year ahead of you.

Headmaster Figgins

Jun. 18th, 2012



[No Subject]

WHO: Everyone
WHAT: End of the Year Feast
WHERE: The American Wizarding Academy
WHEN: Monday, June 18, evening
WARNINGS: Bunch of kids in the thread

End of the Year! End of the Year! AFRO CIRCUS! )

Jun. 3rd, 2012



PLOT: Exams in Washington DC, the American Wizarding Academy


Welcome to the American Wizarding Academy of Washington DC )

Jun. 1st, 2012



OWL POST [mass post to every student of Hogwarts]


May. 16th, 2012





Image by Katie

A note was left in all journals from Headmaster Figgins. It was just a day after a big fire erupted from one of the rooms and burned half the school. All the students were safe, currently in their homes, though it isn't a shock that some of them were probably scared. Vacation had come early for them, but they were not free yet.

Students of Hogwarts,

I hope you are all doing well. The fire has been finally put out and the school is currently being rebuilt. It will take some time, so please enjoy your vacation for a few weeks.

This does not mean you are free from work. The 5th years still need to take their O.W.L.s and the 4th years still need to write their reports. The O.W.L.s will be taken in another state, where the 4th years can come and hand in their reports to a certain professor. More will be announced in a week or two.

In the meantime, please enjoy your vacation. Hogwarts will open again in August.

Headmaster Figgins