November 17th, 2009

[info]flyspeck in [info]neopolis_says

kingthelouiii (11:45:25 PM) has entered the room.
"Lou" (11:45:47 PM): someone in this room will die tonight
"Erica" (11:45:52 PM): hi lou :)
"Puja" (11:45:56 PM): heylo
"Lou" (11:46:04 PM): find out after the break
"Janice" (11:46:06 PM): he lou
kingthelouiii (11:46:06 PM) has left the room.
"Janice" (11:46:09 PM): hey lou
"Erica" (11:46:09 PM): oh
"Janice" (11:46:09 PM): oh
"Erica" (11:46:10 PM): oh ok.
"Janice" (11:46:10 PM): ok
"Cassie" (11:46:11 PM): louis :(
"Cassie" (11:46:13 PM): louis :(