June 25th, 2010

[info]nd_mods in [info]nd_ooc


Okay, I couldn't figure out a way to do the actual show, rp-wise. So! We have three threads for everyone to work under.

First is the audience arriving, mingling with each other, discussing the show, that sort of thing. It is here.

Next is the backstage thread for the kids to freak out or not freak out, whatever your kids are wont to do. It is here.

Last is the aftershow thread for the audience members to hang out with the actors and such. It is here.

Also! Basic cast list: http://mr-cellophane.insanejournal.com/18418.html?thread=497650#t497650 (feel free to claim any of the blank characters, they've been NPC'd up to this point)

I think that's it. Isn't it?