November 16th, 2009

[info]thatbritkid in [info]nd_ooc

This is MC, with a brand new character :O (yes, my brain decided to work again - yay!)

Sage is..well, he's pretty much pissed off with the world. He just moved to Lima, Ohio from Manchester, England and he hates it. He hates the town and the school and most of the people with a fiery passion. He likes to sit in the art room and watch people work, but other then that, he basically glares at a lot of people. For the most part, he keeps to himself - he just wants to survive high school and go back home. :P He's an eighteen year old junior mostly because he didn't care enough about school and now he's paying the price, lol

He doesn't care that much about Glee - he could probably be convinced to side with the anti-Glee kids if given enough incentive, but he could go either way. He doesn't care about sports...he's pretty apathetic, haha. He likes girls and boys, but he needs to be interested by them, hair-twirling and toying with him doesn't work.

But hey, throw your ideas and lines at me! :D

[info]nd_mods in [info]nd_ooc

Thought I'd run this by you guys

And I hope it makes sense!

It occurs to me that there are some really great minor characters out there. Not necessarily someone a person would want to play on a terribly regular basis, but someone a person might want to play from time to time as needed for a plot or something.

So, while there isn't a very very strict activity requirement, I was thinking maybe dropping them altogether for some characters. I realize they can't be played all the time and probably wouldn't be any fun to have to come up with lots of plots for and that sort of thing. But they might be fun to have around. Characters like parents and minor teachers...Principal Figgins...yes.

So did that make sense? What do you guys think?