Jun. 28th, 2012



using this icon because I'll never get to IC >_____>

SUP GUYS! Here we are with some plotty stuff, as you all know Heimdall and Sigyn ran off, and Ryujin has Hades and other people on the matter- and I believe so does Camelot (please confirm yay/nay ♥ ) but! This all aside, we've come up with a list of date where false sightings of the couple will happen.

It'd be awesome if you guys had neutrals/whoever jump in and comment on it - or even be the ones who reported the happenings to the authorities or whatever. Go wild, seriously, plot away! :3

The dates and scenarios are as follows:
28 June- Border between Niflheim and Babylon, a kimono that appears to be from the royal family is being sold in a market there. [TAKEN BY OUR LOVE SHI WITH PERSE~]

4 July - An old coworker of Heimdall who has been instructed to watch for his return, raises a false alarm in Camelot. [TAKEN BY OUR LOVELY JILL WITH PHEME~]

7 July - Far end of Babylon near the border with Iriy, the body of an unknown Ryugunese woman is recovered (courtesy of Tez) and mistakenly IDed as Sigyn.

13 July- Inner Babylon- another eloped couple is mistakenly IDs as them.

SO, tomorrow, who wants to purchase a rare Ryugunese royal kimono? :D!

ALSO, Ryujin WILL be putting up an official announcement so neutrals are all in the know of what is going on as soon as details are worked out. For the sighting tomorrow it will NOT be linked to Sigyn/Heimdall directly- it is more of a 'oh gosh what is this rare kimono being sold here, weren't there some rumors with something weird in ryugu-jo?' vague stuff!

[edit] ALSO so I don't spam more, two things- Polyxena has been rebooted, though obviously that won't be a big deal until post-Zurvan. Her new info is in the app masterlist though!

AND for Zurvan, Pyri is Thanatos' cousin and currently courting Hel. ♥ JUST SO PEOPLE KNOW. I'll get to posting with him soon.

Jun. 23rd, 2012



zurvan update post

This is our first update post for Zurvan. We know that some plots are still being handled and some are in the process of being discussed so this is more of a what's happened and happening post. Anything to come is not noted until full decisions are made.

→ We have Sigyn and Heimdall who are on the run from Ryugu-jo's wrath. They first went to Camelot where they were aided by Demeter, without her husband's knowledge. Public knowledge of their identities is speculated on but not known for sure. The officials involved or informed are the only ones who really know.
→ Ryujin sends Morpheus to Camelot to figure out just how Camelot will be supportive in this time. He also has Hades looking for the two.
→ Morpheus meets with Merlin a couple of times and is currently in talks with Gwynevere.
→ The results of his talks with Merlin have been handed over to Ryujin.
→ Just before this, Iriy and Niflheim are at a breaking point. War is approaching between them after the broken treaty but, again, nothing official has been thrown out. War should not be presumed but the the general busy nature of things can be commented on. Marshals and rulers must handle the announcements for war.
→ Lilith spotted the the couple in a pre-game moment, and informed Galahad and the other Iriyian officials. She was brought home before Galahad approached Ryujin.
→ Galahad approaches Ryujin for an alliance. Precious minerals, land and oil is offered. Ryujin brings this to his people and then approaches Niflheim to see if they are interested in an alliance. His final decision is unknown.
→ Ryujin is also waiting to hear from Camelot's queen before any official announcements about the runaway princess are made as well as decisions regarding Niflheim and Iriy.
→ With Babylon, of course, concerned about the two regions on either side of it and want to move across it, they are working on a plan to deal with the situation. Meanwhile, Osiris was sent to Niflheim where he has recently encountered the cousin of three rulers of Zurvan.

We think we have covered everything but please notify us if we missed a major plot matter! Anything to do with regions' problems should be listed here for people to follow along and understand. If you have any doubts on what your character would or would not know, feel free to ask.

Also, neutrals are welcome to come and aggravate situations wherever they want. Please also think of these posts as plot posts if that helps. If you have something you want to do and want others to participate, comment!

We thank you greatly for your patience. See you next post!

Jun. 22nd, 2012



[No Subject]

HELLO WORLD! I bring you Tenjin here...because...I can.

Just to save your friend's page or whatever )



zurvan map

We apologize deeply for being behind on announcing this but our map is ready for viewing and we hope this helps! Thanks to Joana for taking the time to construct it. ♥

Yes, it is very similar to our previous map which is a hint that, while the times have clearly changed, it is still that mysterious place that exists to fool with the characters.

Questions, comments and more can be placed here. We'll have another Zurvan post again later this week as well.
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Jun. 20th, 2012



[No Subject]

YO \o/

Please meet Pyri or rather Pyriphlegethon. He's one of the rivers of the Underworld, the bamf one of fire. Anyway he usually appears in myth being all impressive and punishing children who mistreat their parents lol Orestes. In his NYC reincarnation he is German, grew up in Italy and then moved to the US. He's an ADA, 34 and just ... special. He also knows he's Pyri but is taking it very well, rivers flow and adapt and what not. Something or the other.

In terms of Zurvan I have nothing, though I was considering putting him in Ryugu-jo. Any suggestions? FAMILY?

And now sleep-deprived tea is going to bed, TEA OUT \o>



[No Subject]


We are trying to keep things neat and tidy, and in order to do that we are going to be tossing up a weekly/bi-weekly post detailing two things:

1)What is going on behind the scenes.
2)What the neutrals would know.

Now, those in power are welcome to spread rumors/spill the beans,especially in order to get neutrals involved and what not. However, if you do so please note it down here so we can adjust next week's post accordingly in order for everyone to be on the same page. ♥

Region leaders, we know that you will be in charge of posting plot posts for the major war events. These are not going to be set in stone, and we encourage neutrals to get involved in these to push the plot/do their own personal plot within it.

Outside of these plot posts pertaining to war things, neutrals are welcome to aggravate the situation between the countries by doing certain things. However, again, do comment on these posts or make sure people are aware OOC so there can be lots of reactions! We want everyone involved and will do everything we can do, the rest is up to you guys. We trust you, now go forth and start a war. ♥

Some of you have asked, so for clarification: Zurvan days/times work just like on Earth, and yes they have the same months/weekday names we do.

On a bit of a side note, we apologize for application delays, as we've been busy setting up Zurvan. Applications and reserves are closed for now until September (except of course the ones already placed in). While we initially considered leaving them open, we feel that any new characters would find it difficult to weave into the setting and plots going on, and last thing we want is to feel anyone left out.

Thank you ♥
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Jun. 17th, 2012



zurvan facts and more

As we get further into things, we thought we would introduce some facts and details about the regions. Don't worry about this too much as we already have informed you of how each regions is influence by a place in our world. This is mostly for fun and some things have been mashed up a little just because we want to add in our own flavor.

We'll expand this more when we wriggle around and see what other fun things we can add in. Feel free to toss in region-appropriate suggestions or even inquiries! We know we didn't quite get everything we would have liked. Remember, no one has to perfectly fit a mold or an idea, but each region does have its own ways, beliefs and so forth.

some facts about the regions )
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Jun. 16th, 2012



zurvan restarts

Once more, Zurvan begins now.

Even if we just opened up app add-ons to be thrown in, don't hesitate to play with your Zurvan-version characters. Add-ons are mainly for new players or for reference and not having them turned in should not be an issue or even hinder.

We also would like to ask that you tag all IC posts (logs and main comm) and all OOC posts related to Zurvan with the tag !zurvan. This will keep things tidy for when things shake up again in the future. If you would also like to link here a list of your characters and their Zurvan CR, just toss the link here.

Questions, comments and more can be aimed here. ♥
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Jun. 15th, 2012



[No Subject]

In order to help everyone keep track, below here is that fantastic (we'll never get tired of saying it) list Cara made. The characters are divided by region and we'll be crossing out those who have their zurvan add-on in. If your character is missing from the list, comment below with their region and they shall be added.

If you have any questions, please direct them here; Zurvan add-ons can be found here

click for the list, please! )
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[No Subject]

Hey guys! We are delaying the start of Zurvan by one day because we got a little delayed with tackling some things, namely this post and the add-on post. But don't worry, we are not going to postpone any further. There will be a beginning post at 11:59 PM EST on June 15th - which is tonight! So look forward to that.

Three ambassadors have filled in and we are assigning their posts now. This can be changed around in-game for plot reasons, however the rulers would like but try not to pile the ambassadors for too long in one region, please. Ambassadors can go home but often when called back or for short visits

Lilith of Iriy: stationed in Ryugu-jo
Morpheus of Ryugu-jo: stationed in Camelot
Osiris of Babylon: stationed in Niflheim

As there is no Camelot or Niflheim diplomat at this time and it is too early to place an NPC, we will say there is no Camelot or Niflheim diplomat anywhere for now.

We know a few have created tables of your character relations and such, if you want toss us the link here so we can have everyone being able to take a quick look when required. We do ask you to make sure all planning involves everyone who would be affected with it.

Region rulers, you have a lot of plot work to do, so please make sure to communicate with your other position people. Cristina and Tea brought up a good point about making sure the position people help give the neutrals some involvement, so we hope to have some developments there for everyone to jump in. We also want to take the time to remind you that Zurvan is a very proactive time, we encourage people to push for their character's goals and such!

There is an add-on post here. We'll be keeping a public list of those who have replied and those who have yet to so that people know if what they want can be found in that post.

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions about anything Zurvan-related, please post them here or e-mail us! ♥
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[No Subject]

We won't be adding these to the masterlist as it would be more tidy to just keep it all here and to link them from our masterlist. But please remember to do these. And remember to bounce off stuff of others who have relations and the like!

If you have ANY questions or comments, ask here, please. Mod approvals and screening will not be happening this time around. We will only reply if we absolutely need to.

Here is an example of what we are looking for (this is all false of course):

[subject line: Heiðrún]

» Zurvan II:
Region: Ryugu-jo
Position: Civilian
History: In NYC, she was a bar owner, her specialty being mead and her best patrons being soldiers. In Zurvan, she lives in the insular Ryugu-go, a region that prides itself on never relying on others or even marrying outsiders. But there is still a demand for alcohol and she runs what would be considered a 'jumak' in our world, a place for alcohol, food and lodging. It's popular enough with the locals traveling around the regions and some travelers. As a native of the region, she never encourages the travelers to linger too long.

This former goat is, of course, married to another Ryugu-jo native though has yet to have any children. She is related to Ma'at as a distant relation. Her age has changed from 23 to 30, which should not be too drastic for her PB.

There is no current deadline on this right now but, again, please get these done when you can! And please paste them in here. You can always delete and re-post as needed. Placing a copy in your character's journal is also helpful!
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Jun. 14th, 2012



[No Subject]

Hey all, this is Annabel. My family and I are going on vacation for 2 weeks starting today, and there's been some confusion over which hotels have wifi and which don't. :/ So I'll probably be a little sporadic and slow these few weeks, and possibly completely offline for some of that time.

I'll do my best to try and get to things, but we'll see how it goes. ♥

This affects Hippobaby here (edit: and also Izanami, since I didn't time this very well).

Jun. 13th, 2012




I'm home from my little trip, and if I missed anything or if anyone needs me for anything I promise to be back in full swing tomorrow (as it's after midnight here). Feel free to catch me on AIM or email me if you want/need anything, since I'm off for the rest of the week.

Jun. 12th, 2012


[No Subject]

So Sorry I've been MIA loves, work's been nuts and so has school. I'm sorry I'm a fail. ILY.

Jun. 11th, 2012



zurvan ii plot post (ii)


Because we know people need to do more plotting as positions are granted and it would be good to have a fresh post to work with, we are carrying over from here. Also, our lovely Cara made a list of which character is where from that time. THANK YOU VERY MUCH. ♥

Remember that no position plotting should occur here unless you have been APPROVED for that position.

And, as normal, keep all this in mind: )

Have fun! ♥

[EDIT;] Feel free to link to your cast list but keep all discussion to this post so everyone is able to keep track and reply. ♥ Thank you!

Jun. 10th, 2012



Angel Dinner Partyyyy


Jun. 7th, 2012


[No Subject]


My loves! This is Angie coming in with Amaterasu and for those who missed her on [info]mythologica, this is her. Aka I'm too sleepy to write it all again. She's still open to friends or any other lines! tl;dr: Ambition-free employee at Walgreen's whose ability is connected completely to the sun, who also isn't aware she's a reincarnate. She'll think all of you are a little weird for believing crazy talk, BUT SHE WILL WONDER...

NOW, she is a huge blank slate for Zurvan. Does anyone need a wifelet whose name they'll forget after this is all over? She is officially Ra's lovely little wifelet, and now part of the SUN FAMILY. Other relations -- sister? I'd prefer to stay away from Baybylon, I have the most there. p.s. All Zurvan connections listed here~

Jun. 4th, 2012



activity check end

The activity check is now over. The list below contains the characters that have been cut because they did not pass or failed to respond. If something doesn't seem right, you have until June 5th (11:59 PM EST) to contact us about it. After that time, they will be officially stricken from the game.

As always, you may contact us here, by AIM or PM to discuss things.

Cut Characters )

Remember that this month you need one post per character.

Jun. 2nd, 2012


[No Subject]

Since my brain has been made of epic fail tonight, I'm finally doing this. This is Michelle and THIS is Ares. Henry Abernathy in this world. He's a world class jackass, former marine and current arms dealer. He's got a tiny daughter named Alice who is a wise ass of the finest caliber and has moved to NY because he may or may have not possibly killed a dude. He's also looking into Kallista's husband because he is married to her and therefore needs to die owes him money.

He's not a nice boy but he is pretty so that should help, no? He knows who he is and he's open to plots of all sorts. I know I talked to some people before but yes, plots.



zurvan positions applications

Please only apply for one position and region per character. Understand that others will be applying for this position as well. Please do not try to plot beforehand for absolute fairness and respect the decision the mods have come to. Later, you are free to discuss any arrangements with the other applicants.

If you do not get your desired position for a certain character, you are allowed to reapply with them for another open spot.

Also please remember to post one position per comment. Thank you!

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zurvan positions reserve

We will keep each position that is desired for open for three days from the time the first person comments here for that spot. Positions closed to be commented for here will be [bracketed & bolded]. The earliest any position can be closed could be TUESDAY, JUNE 5th. EDIT: reserves will last TWO days now that things are moving along.

We then will give each person who commented in time two days after closing to get in their application for it. That means the earliest applications for any position can be closed could be THURSDAY, June 7th. Players can turn in apps earlier than that of course. Positions that are closed for application will be stricken-through after that point and no further applications will be allowed. Extensions will not be allowed nor revisions.

Neutrals or regular soldiers of a country need not apply but these things should be noted in your future application add-on so we can note these things down. If we see a particular country filling more than others, we will have to close until things even out more (this does not apply to major positions you are applying for here - just regular members). This page will also tally which position is being applied for. When a position has been decided for, a red strike will indicate so and the position taken page will be updated.

Please remember to read this before commenting here and applying. And please do not apply two characters in the same region for sake of fairness.






All replies will be screened. Questions can be e-mailed or PMed to us.
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zurvan II plot post


We are putting this up simultaneously with the positions application. Whether you are applying there or not doesn't matter. Here you can flesh out what your characters have been up to, who they are related to, what faction they belong to (or not) and more! This is one of the reasons why we ask you not plot before things developed to this point as well. It helps keep things flowing more smoothly and also allow mingling with all. ♥

Remember that no position plotting should occur here unless you have been APPROVED for that position.

And, as normal, keep all this in mind: )

And that is about it. Have fun! ♥



[No Subject]


It is time to begin plotting for Zurvan, folks! We have the intentions to start it June fifteenth and have it last until August thirty-first (we apologize whole-heartedly to Horus and Hathor for interrupting their wedding plans! D:). This means over two months of a fantasy setting with war, freshly made CR with your characters and creating more chaos. Check out our Zurvan page to get started or just follow the links below:

Zurvan II's FAQ
Zurvan II's Positions Page
Zurvan II's Map - PENDING!

Reserve desired positions here. This ONLY is for the ruler, chancellor, marshal/admiral and ambassador spots. Please do not apply soldiers or civilians here.

Zurvan II's plot post is also up and ready to be tackled! Remember to not plan hard for positions you do not have YET. When you are approved for one, go for it.

There is also a MAJOR point we would like to make for smooth plotting and advancement in what is to come:

Due to the nature of Zurvan characters should be proactive (what this means: they should not just react to each other, but actively seek to fulfill their goals/struggles/what have you).
For example, War was wronged by the current ruler of Ryugu-jo, and she wants to bring him down. To do this, IC she needs to reach out to other characters, organize things- see if she can do so. On the flip side, should she get caught, the ruler of Ryugu-jo will imprison her. OOC, War's player should be able to communicate with other people to involve them in the plot. Nothing needs to be set in stone, the important thing is that your characters have a goal and go after it.

There will be no NPC events during this time, so you guys have total freedom in Zurvan. Let's say you wanted to have Death open a coffee shop? Why not, as long as you keep the personalities intact, you can run with things. You want your character to start a rebellion? Excellent, contact players OOC and begin posting IC inquiring/etc.

The point is that all characters get to shine, contribute to others plots and have other characters affect them.

Please also use this page for all questions and comments. We have been working on this for a while now but sometimes we are capable of overlooking things or missing them. Please don't hesitate to ask! We really would like to iron out things and do our best to make things work for you guys. ♥

Jun. 1st, 2012



[No Subject]


You have from now until JUNE 3RD @ 11:59 PM (EST) to comment here with links for each of your characters with:

ten comments from the months of APRIL and/or MAY
one journal post from the month of MAY

We will check them all then and should they pass, you'll be given a "CHECK" (✓) to assure you all is well. If something appears wrong, you'll be notified so that it can be adjusted.

Once the cut-list has been made, it will be posted after the AC is over. Should something appear wrong, you have forty-eight hours from when we put the post up to notify us. After that point, everyone on that cut list will be removed from the game. Any corrections that need to be done to said list should be from those who replied to the activity check itself.


► You may only submit journal entries from MAY 1ST to the time this check was posted on JUNE 1ST. You may substitute a log for your journal entry. Please see the FAQ (under GAME OOC) for more details on log submissions.
► You may only submit comments made between (and including) APRIL 1ST to the time this check was posted on JUNE 1ST. The number of log replies can also be considered 'comments'.
► See our rules in the FAQ (under GAME OOC) for when you miss a post. Substitution is always case-by-case and requires previous mod approval.
► Please link us the exact thread when it comes to your comments. We don't have the time to skim through the posts and would appreciate this.
► More than one link per character is acceptable (as in five comments here, two there and three over in another post), as long as it adds up to ten comments total.
Nothing from the OOC or SPAM community will count here, whether the comments are IC or not. Only in-game comments and posts (AKA journals and logs).
► Any posts made by your character after this post was made will not be counted in your check.


→ Mnemosyne
→ Selene


Also, thank you to everyone who has replied so far to our feedback post. Please if you haven't done so already take a peek and tell us your thoughts. They are appreciated! ♥

May. 31st, 2012



just maybe for a little organization

Since the mod post is screened and, of course, that makes a wee bit harder to mention this stuff, I figured this post might help.

If you like, just go ahead and comment here with where your characters might be hospitalized! Some people have already mentioned in comments and posts but this will keep it a little more tidy. ♥



[No Subject]

Because I apparently cannot stop myself...here is Selene. ksdnlfads. She's totes a cool chick. I mean...how many other women would put the human they loved to sleep at night so they could stay young for forever? Alright, so MAYBE she should have asked first...but...he didn't seem unhappy? As a human she goes by Celeste and she's the sister of Odr (who needs to cool his shit down, for reals). She works in a sleep lab and is super cool. She's probably that weird lady you've seen walking around with wide-brimmed hats, sunglasses, and possibly an umbrella during the day because she burns easily and isn't particularly fond of the day. Really, if she can do all her work at night, she will. She's easily distracted during the day, so if you talk to her then, you might end up getting a little frustrated. She's totes okay at night.

You can look here for more info. I accept any and all plot! If anyone knows Odr and wants to be aware of her presence because of it (considering her full-time job is giving him directions when he gets lost. Poor, hopeless brother) I am all for it. Pleeassee. :D




end of event twenty & feedback post

By midnight EST, your characters will have returned home. The healthy, living ones anyway. Their injuries will have been patched up for the most part, any missing bits returned. They won't be spared much pain that they suffered. For example, Euterpe and Cù Sìth, both who were just barely saved, will still have pains from wounds that may not exist anymore. It will take a up to five days for them to be fully well again, longer than others who might only need one to three days.

For the deceased, they will return - in hospitals. Their reason for being there will vary and can be chosen by players. Car accidents, a fight gone badly, etc. No one in the hospital will suspect otherwise and these formerly deceased characters will be less patched up than the ones who lived. However, they can be released as soon as you think them capable or too impatient to stay though they will not fully recover until several days later (we estimate a week at least). Feel free to take this in any direction you see fitting.

Remember that dying should never be taken lightly. Naturally, depending on your character's personality and myth, they may handle it differently but that the effects of death should still be noted someway.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to ask. We hope you enjoyed this event. And now, something extra we hope you all might participate in: Please read )

This post will remained screened. We may not reply in detail to every comment but will answer any questions, and take any, and all suggestions under consideration. We will, of course, reply to any comments that definitely need our attention. Thank you, guys! ♥

May. 29th, 2012


[No Subject]

-flails- I need you're help! My muses are escaping my brain. I needs the help! >.< Work ate my brain. I'm sorry. Well except Nyx, who you know cant do much right now XD


May. 27th, 2012



[No Subject]

Hello, everyone! My name is Annabel, and I'm glad to meet you all. ♥ I actually meant to do this 'official introduction' of sorts earlier, but this weekend wound up being super crazy!

I'm bringing in Hippolytus - currently Matthew Lang, a 25-year-old grad student at Columbia. Comes from a rich family with parents who didn't really like children all that much, so he spent most of his life in boarding schools in the UK. Somewhat as a result, he's one of those quiet, reserved people who doesn't deal well with nonsense and thinks that he knows the right answer to everything. More information here for the curious!

As for contact info, I'm [info]regalia on IJ (which I don't use all that often, but will respond to pings) and seasidekingdom on both AIM (ditto) and plurk.

Looking forward to playing with everyone!

[No Subject]

My sweets, I'm back, significantly more poor than when I left. THAT IS ALL.

May. 26th, 2012



[No Subject]

Hey, darlings!

So this is a fun little idea we thought might be excellent to use in our advertising. But it requires some member help. As we are always advertising and looking for fresh faces as well as desired characters, this is going to put a spin on that.

Pick a wanted character you would really love to see in the game and scribble up a cute advertisement for them. Like what you might expect to see in a personals ad, just a few lines, playfully jabbing at them or even outright silly.

For example:

WANTED! one big strong man who carries a hammer like a safety blanket
can be coerced into cross-dressing
still makes all the ladies drop their panties
note: banned from all bridges for actually being fatass (- love, heimdall)

More than one character can have this done up for them but we would like to see many characters from many pantheons covered.

So go nuts, lovelies. ♥ We'll be picking some of the best to use in our ads!

Diamond TextDiamond TextDiamond TextDiamond TextDiamond TextDiamond TextDiamond TextDiamond TextDiamond Text
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[No Subject]

Hey guys! Cara here! I promised myself I wouldn't go past two characters, but apparently it was a lie. I'm just trying to make Kaitlin feel better about apping more obvs.

I bring yooou Mnemosyne! She is a 21-year-old woman in New York. To pay her rent and actually eat during the week, she works as a photographer/tour guide/secretary/lost-and-found expert. Free time what is it she doesn't even Overall she's pretty chill and easy enough to get along with, but she also has a bit of a superiority complex. She remembers everything, and can also help others remember things. So, if you've had a bad run in with Lethe (her cousin in his life), she's the person to turn to. If she feels like helping you anyway.

You can read more about her here!

Soooo plots? People she should know? She never forgets a name or face and I'm happy with anything/everything!

May. 25th, 2012



[No Subject]

Guys, guys, I'm dying of sleep here and I'd explain but BULLET FORM.

- Helios
- Dick-like
- Bit manipulative
- Don't like a lot of people
- Has a lot of past kids/chicks he had kids with, very fun stuff.
- Daddy's Theseus. Twin brother's Merlin. Been to the fancy school of doom.
- Woohoo, Titans.
- Worship him.
- Seriously, worship him.
- More info here

And it's Joana, yes. I'll go pass out ♥

P.S. - give me stuff? :)

[No Subject]

I'll try to get a post up for Nyx's fight, today, a little late, but I'm sorry! ♥ We are working on it though! :)

May. 24th, 2012



[No Subject]

Hey everyone!

As you all have heard, we're are currently restructuring and changing a few things in order to do things as efficiently as possible for you all. ♥

➡ On the list of updates is modship; due to Lindsey's drop and the fact we've had different people contributing at times, we've decided to do away with the individual mod information. There have been many important individuals that have aided and helped the growth of the game at different points and considering that not all are available constantly or at the same time, we've decided it is better to ferry questions directly to the mod email (which has been updated) or the modbox so that we can close track of and the appropriate people can handle the different issues that may arise.

➡ To help this out we have changed the mod email, which you can find in the contact list, mod journal profile and our modbox. Do not hesitate to use it if you have any questions, doubts, problems.

➡ On the topic of our mod e-mail, it has changed! From now on, please use mythopoeics @ gmail DOT com to contact us via e-mail. We will continue to check the hotmail account for a little while longer but it should not be used any more.

➡ As most of you know, our application page has not been functioning properly so we have changed the page and are in the process of updating links. If you find any wrong links please let us know here so that they may be corrected promptly.

➡ Leading from there, we asked Angie to provide us an application FAQ. She has whipped up a brilliant one and we encourage everyone, current, old and new to look at it as it greatly will help any issues one might face while applying!

➡ Still on that topic, we will also be dropping our app cycle. We receive a steady amount of apps throughout the month and our trial with May has proven that we won't have a problem tackling apps all month long. We hope this will be beneficial to all applicants. Reserve periods of three days remains, of course (along with the extensions that can be requested and given).

That is all for now, dear members. Thank you for reading all that and being wonderful! ♥

May. 23rd, 2012



come on skinny looove


My loves, I'm going to be out of town from tomorrow afternoon until Sunday night, potentially without net access, soooo if you filter to one of my kids you'll get a reply on Sunday, unless I die of a heart attack from the amount of notifs in my inbox.

You know who this all affects so slj;hss BBL.

♥ Ang



battles gogogo

Just for the record, any minis you have planned for the twenty-third's battle and so forth can be posted freely now. ♥ Just keep in mind the timezone of EST for when posting battle scenes and such so that things can move along in an orderly fashion.

And don't hesitate to poke us mods when you need us! We will have announcements coming soon as well. Just quickly, though, remember this month requires one post and ten comments.
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May. 20th, 2012



battles finalized

The battles have been decided with the dates.

Kala will have a post up some time today like this. Kala's post is up. In that post will be the order of the battles each day. Names of characters who have not been revealed in public will be hidden. Everyone else will be fair game.

If you have questions, comments or anything else, feel free to reply here! This is especially in the case we reveal a character by accident and need to make amends for it. You may also plot here further if you like.
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May. 19th, 2012


[No Subject]

HELLO ALL. Did anybody miss me? No?

I suck, I've been MIA the past week and then some being caught up with real life stuff that I could honestly do without BUT I'M BACK and I see I've missed loads of stuff. And while I'm still in the process of getting my shit together and catching up, I would like you all to hit me with whatever you have! And if you want to back me up on anything that I should know, that would be amazing too.

So far, I'll absolutely have Morpheus be a scholar of some sort, and I was thinking people could generally dislike him for his views or something? He would be a skeptic, and he probably questions a lot of things and the beliefs that go around. That also probably means that he'll look down on a lot of people and their ideas and wishes that everybody was more logical and less barbaric. I was also thinking that if anybody had any hands in the pies of the government he could be involved in that too. I don't even know, I'm just throwing shit around. I probably didn't even make sense!

But help me ouuuut.

May. 17th, 2012



battles & dates

This will eventually go into an IC post by the doctore (AKA Kala). But as things are not fully decided yet, it will remain here until all characters have been decided for.

PLEASE NOTE: this is your last chance to figure out battles amongst yourselves. If we find people are still undecided by the 19th, 11:59 PM EST, we will do coin flips and arrange the remaining. Please keep in mind that victories are VERY hard to obtain and also keep in mind your character's physical state (age, eating/smoking/drinking habits, how much exercise they normally get, health issues, etc versus the others), their LACK OF special abilities and whether they are really physical fighter types at all or not. And also consider bad luck, please. It happens to the best of fighters.

If among the decided battles they feel they can squeeze in a third to help accommodate some of the remaining characters and make a trio, please do so! We will not insist that the decided victors have to redecide anything as that is unfair to them. That is entirely up to the person with the victorious character if they feel they can change that. We just would like to see the strays be handled soon. ♥

Also, those who may be away and see they may have a battle a day they aren't around: we tried to work it out so that you may be around for reactions! We hope that the below is suitable. The order listed isn't necessary who goes out in the arena first, by the way.

The Battles & Dates plus remaining characters )
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May. 16th, 2012



[No Subject]

Hello everyone! My name's Kaa and this is my first character! Her name is Shivani Mehra, or rather, Kali from the Hindu pantheon. A quick rundown (in depth here if you like): 30 years old, from Goa, India and after bouncing through some jobs and a few fights in the US, ended up getting a job as an escort handler. She's got a pretty bad temper on her and is kind of a walking mess of extremes. She's also go a pretty fun ability of craving for blood, battle, and flesh that can affect those around her when she's in less than favorable moods, whoops. I'm reading up on the event so, I'm sure she'll be somewhat thrilled by the gladiators if less thrilled to actually be in Rome.

So! Just, hello everyone, I'm really happy to be here! I'm open to pretty much everything and my aim is noahingly. I'm on quite often, and I don't bite. ♥





Though she grows more vulnerable, Khaos' rage burns stronger and faster. This time, she has clashed with Kala, forcing you, godlings, to be pitched back into time. To a place where blood was as desirable as gold, lusted for and craved. Where crowds howled and cheered for their favourites and flung refuse at those they loathed.

Welcome to Ancient Rome.

Time: From the 15th (11:59 PM EST) to 30th (11:59 PM EST)

Location: Whisked to Ancient Rome (roughly late first century/early second century)



For the two weeks, your characters will be in this world. Use the limited time well for plots and drama. Ideas for this have been taken from mainly series Spartacus but don't feel limited to that.

The first week will be spent training for the gladiators at their ludus (gladiator training school), figuring out who would match who (read more below for how this will be managed). Take part in the lifestyle, of the wine, the men and women, the gambling and, naturally, bloodsport. Go to games held before the big next week. The messenger (who will be revealed below) is the one to go to if your gladiator character requires ANYTHING at all so we encourage his use. We don't encourage too much visit to the doctor as he just might steal bits of life-force but, alas, he is the only doctor your characters get. But remember that if your character is property, they will not necessary have a great amount ot freedom. Yes, even the gladiators will be treated like slaves even if they are of value. They may have family but permission will have to be earned to see that family or even go out. This can be done through filtering to one's master and/or mistress (the NPC will reply). Journals will be magical and made of paper once more. Use this as needed.

Death by crucifixion is a possibility should someone get out of hand. But mostly, expect a character to be threatened with or even whipped or humiliated in unpleasant manner to stifle any disobedience that has been caught. And should someone demand special inspection of them, they will whip off that subligaria (and strophium if you are a woman) and show them the goods. Because, once more, your character is property of the lanista and will do as they are told. Naturally, no character will be forced into anything they (and you) don't want but please keep in mind realistic consequences and so forth. This can also be used for drama you can handle.

The Roman Gladiator
Arena: Gladiatorial Games
The Gladiator
Life in Roman Times
Roman Society
Everyday Life in Rome

The above are some helpful links if you need to grasp something. While not a fantasy realm, some liberties can be taken as we don't expect people to get elbow deep in research and that we have a variety of nationalites among our cast. As women are also gladiators during this era rather than a later one that we are already bending some rules. But remember realism for what you can, please.

Details concerning the characters & npcs )

The second week will be the battles in the arena. Within those seven days, it's predicted five days will have two fights max and two days will have three. As there is not an even number of males and females, there will be ONE female trio and ONE male trio. Characters will DIE unless they signal for mercy or are given it by the lanista. The crowds also dictate a person's life. To signal for mercy is also a sign of weakness, a thing of shame but it is still a choice. Please remember to plot things out with others and don't be shy about seeing your character perish in the glory of the arena.

ABILITIES: these will be gone. For all characters. It will come down strictly to what knowledge and skills your character has naturally and please keep this in mind when deciding whether they win or lose. Yes, they will walk in with a sword or spear (your choice), some armour and shield but that will be it.

The last one standing might not be so fortunate anyway. Khaos rules here despite being a woman and she may very well pit your weakened character against her guards or someone in a more fresh state. But there may be a chance at freedom as well, something judged by any sort of logs done for the pleasure of the true audience (AKA us, lovelies). If you complete a mini or log and would like to see if the community feels your victorious character deserves freedom, make an OOC note at the end of it. Then players can make ooc notes on that log or mini. The results will be decided every midnight with a comment from the dominus Chiconahuiehecatl.

For sake of absolute clarity, please list in the appropriate comment thread below who you would like to see win or lose (and possibly die if the character does not signal for mercy). Examples of what we mean will be below. Match up the best you can with characters who have chosen something opposite of yours. We will have a second post up with the battles once most people have arranged something so people can get to logging or figuring out what to do.

Those that remain undecided whether for battle pairings or the outcome and would prefer for 'fate' to decide, we mods will take care of that. We have a second comment thread below for those. In reference to the matter of being granted mercy, if you would like the mods to decide, leave a comment here as well whenever. An OOC comment will be offered on the mini, log or, if you don't have time, in general in this thread.

And then, in the third comment, please list all those who are not gladiators (slaves, more guards, whores, merchants, children or spouses of those in power). We hope for most characters to be contained within the ludus but there will be access to others when others are invited in or people are allowed out. People who may stay in the villa as guests or even those who become a patron of the ludus or purchase a gladiator as their own if the master and mistress allow. Purchasing a gladiator or a to-be is no small expense and a character should have means to cover the expenses. The females interested will also need an indulgent male relation as well (unless drama is desired).

This is a plot heavy event so please remember to read and not shy from asking anything if it helps. Questions, comments, thoughts are all welcome below. ♥

May. 14th, 2012



one half of a pair


Meet Izanagi, currently known as Hajime Murakami from just outside of Tokyo (and Belgium, Massachusetts and then Japan again). He pines for Japan and is an architect who was relocated there much to his unhappiness. But he's not too mopey. He's quite decent at adapting and get around what disappoints him (eventually).

He's social enough, old-fashioned at heart with a males-lead-females mindset but doesn't push his beliefs on others (mostly out of working around things and perhaps even insecurity). Impulsive, stubborn and he inspires all sorts of creativity. He also really doesn't like corpses but who really does? From the age of eight to seventeen, he was in Massachusetts. Then he moved to Japan for university and stay there until he was thirty-one. He sees a therapist, who cheerfully recommended he get a dog. So he did and he rather clings to it now.

I think that is all. /tired



[No Subject]

I will start this off with a letter.

Letter )

Now that I've done that...:| I bring you Hyacinth aka Bastian Ward. Umm...he's 18 and in high school and a baby...and is coming for you, Apollo. YOU JUST HAVE TO LOVE HIM, OKAY?! IT'S NOT SO HARD...-Insert obligatory dirty joke here- :| Umm...yes. So he's just going to be awesome and hang out with the cool kids? Idk. He knows who he is and probably seems a little distant sometimes like he's off in a dream world. That's cause he sort of is...in a dream world where Apollo is there and he's not ever going to be in danger of dying from head wounds. He's had a lot of accidental deaths in his reincarnations. It's safe to say he's a bit paranoid about things falling on him or being pushed off balconies or being suffocated by dirt...or anything that could happen. There will be no playing of frisbee with this kid. He is against it forever. :|

♥ Please love me! dsklfansd

[No Subject]

Just a heads up, I may be slowish. Our well took a death roll last night, we're literally bringing up clay and sand with the water, so we may need a new well [possible collapse in the well]. If it's just the pump being too close to the bottom, we'll be okay and I won't need to work a bazillion hours at work, but if it's a collapse, I'll need all the hours I can get to help defray the 4k to 10k plus costs of putting in a new well. If I need hours at work, I'll be slow to reply and so on!!! We find out today\tomorrow hopefully [no water sucks!]. I'm hoping I won't need to be slowish!

So sorry my loves!
Nyx & Marzanna



[No Subject]

Hey guys, quick news!

We've noticed that our app page seems to be rebelling against players and mods alike with a strange error about having exceeded the comment limit. For now, we can that you all use the modbox if you can't comment on the application page, please. If this continues into tomorrow, we will just recreate the app page and see if that helps the situation. ♥

That aside, please to go to our sign-up post for the upcoming event! Remember to read the note on it. We need volunteers to be in fighting condition. If you have offered anyone a little less, that is fine but remember that will have an effect on them. Be prepared for that.

Thank you~

May. 12th, 2012



sign-up post


We have an event coming up and need you to volunteer your characters! No need to volunteer them all if you don't wish. We may not use every single one as well but we'd like to have a good selection for what is going to be happening soon.

NOTE: before volunteering anyone, please know that those volunteers MUST be healthy, of reasonable adult age and able to withstand physical exertion. They don't need to be the best of the best but the type of individual, man or woman, that can last at least a while in a confrontation that should not necessarily depend on the use of any weapons.

For example: Gabija would not be ideal but Daphne would be. Percival would ideal but Morpheus would not be. Considering your character's body-type as well as stamina and so forth. Keep in mind their strengths and weaknesses, please. What is coming up is dangerous.

If you have no one you can volunteer, that is ok! There will be something for everyone, we promise. ♥

So before 10:00 AM EST on 14th, go ahead and reply. This isn't mandatory. Also keep in mind that we will not do anything incredibly vile to any character but our events depend on you being absolute OK and ready to roll with whatever happens. Please only volunteer if you are OK with your characters being chosen. And you will only be allowed to know what happens once the event begins and not beforehand.

All replies will be screened.


May. 9th, 2012





Because I'll probably never be able to use this icon ICly-- LOL, no, I probably will find a way.

Anyway, this character is different because it was never human or even an animal so it's going to be interesting playing a vampire tree. He's a family physician in this life with a small-group private practice. His English is pretty good. He sadly cannot drink people's blood purely because he is human and disease blood would not go down as well. But he does steal people's life-force. ♥

He doesn't have many near-n-dear friends. He really feels he has no use for them. But he can be social enough. Polite. Helpful while snagging some of your energy. ♥ And IDK what else to say so ceasing here dslkjf

OH. Any CR would be fab. /o/ Anything else can be worked out in-game.

May. 8th, 2012



[No Subject]

Hey kiddos this is just a sorry/fyi --- my dsl is really difficult because our phone line/neighbors wifi is interfering with the signal, so it blurps/kicks me off so often but doesn't always log me out of AIM. If I don't answer right away or disappear I'm not ignoring/blowing anyone off I swear ♥ It's also why I haven't been in chat a lot because it happens so friggin' much :( My brother comes home this weekend so hopefully he figures something out. But any way, this is just a 'omg I'm sorry, I'm not being a bitch' because I feel terrible when it happens because everyone has been AWESOME ♥ ♥



Remember that time I said Hel was my last kid for a while? That was... okay, it was a lie. THIS is really my last one for a while. This is Fuujin, the Shinto god of wind. He'll be going by Tae Ichimaru, but he's very much American despite the name. He's a bit of a terror, and not in the scary way.

I have no idea how I can offer lines, but his father was born in America, and he's been living here since he was around five. Anyway, the most important part is: