Posts Tagged: '%21opening'

Dec. 17th, 2011



game OPEN

[info]mythopoeics has made the jump (or most of it) to IJ. We still have a number of tweaks but for the most part we won't delay any longer. [info]mythomod will be updated as we go along, from taken pages to the master application list. We ask players to use the LJ application masterlist for now until we are prepared to redo our current one. This will be addressed Sunday or Monday.

We are also announcing something odd but special: about former drops )

That aside, here are some things you folks can do when possible: pages to look over )

We'll add on more as things shift about and you will be kept in the loop. There will also be an event before the Zurvan world takes over. Just refresh yourself with the Zurvan FAQ in the meantime and enjoy the remaining time your characters have in NYC. ♥ People with position applications: we are still keeping an eye over there!

That all said, we are officially OPEN. Questions, comments and the rest can be addressed here.