Posts Tagged: '%21event+%23019'

May. 5th, 2012



first one to complain [closed | complete]

Characters: Agravaine ([info]sardonian) & Mordred ([info]traitorously)
Date/Time: Morning of the 2nd
Location: Mordred's hospital room, Presby
Rating: R
Warnings: Delicate subject matter and lots of swearing.
Summary: Big brothers are supposed to give a shit.

leaves with a blood stain )

May. 3rd, 2012




Characters: Gwynevere ([info]vivatregina) and Mordred ([info]traitorously)
Date/Time: April 28th, morning
Location: A diner just outside the city
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Language, sexual insinuations
Summary: Gwyn and Mordred work on their odd friendship

cause i can tell that we are going to be friends~ )




Characters: Morpheus [[info]morphly] & Merlin [[info]merlyn]
Date/Time: After this.
Location: Their apartment.
Rating: PG.
Warnings: None. Unless you count Morpheus being grumpy.
Summary: Morpheus won't go to sleep, Merlin is hungover. They're the worst roommates ever.

Waking me up to dreaming reality )

May. 2nd, 2012



Characters: Lethe ([info]lethe), Hades ([info]ofshadows), and Ra ([info]atnoontide)
Date/Time: April 25
Location: Hades's place > Lethe's place
Rating: upper Low or lower Med depending on your squicky level
Warnings: Touchy false!Persephone
Summary: Hades flees his perfect world only to be consumed by Lethe's. Until, of course, Ra happens.

Everything was comfortably perfect. )

Apr. 28th, 2012



[No Subject]

Characters: Geb ([info]eternalearth) and Ra ([info]atnoontide)
Date/Time: April 28th
Location: Adventuring in NYC...
Rating: Low
Warnings: Umm...mentions of sexytimes. Probs something to mention.
Summary: Ra shows Geb around

Read more... )

Apr. 25th, 2012



[No Subject]

Characters: Horus ([info]falconhead) and Anubis ([info]dogofthedead)
Date/Time: April 25th
Location: A restaurant!
Rating: Low
Warnings: N/A
Summary: Anubis and Horus talk!

There just ain't no simple solution )