Posts Tagged: 'hermes'

May. 22nd, 2012




Characters: Hermes ([info]xpolytropos) and Cassandra ([info]never_mind)
Date/Time: May 20
Location: Hermes's gardens
Rating: PG for now
Warnings: None as of yet.
Summary: Prompted by Morpheus, Cassandra snuck out. Now the only logical thing to do is sneak back in. And possibly get caught sneaking back in.

down the garden path )

May. 18th, 2012



[No Subject]

Characters: Hermes ([info]xpolytropos) and Morgan ([info]nobreza)
Date/Time: 16 May, morning
Location: Their home
Rating: Low
Warnings: Nothing serious.
Summary: Waking up and a baby. That much fun.

never underestimate children )

May. 9th, 2012




Characters: Syrinx [[info]syrinx] & Hermes [[info]xpolytropos]
Date/Time: Wed afternoon.
Location: Supermarket & then police station.
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Summary: Hermes tries to help and it does not end well. Aka real life pacman is played in the supermarket.

smile like you mean it )
Tags: ,

Apr. 18th, 2012



Characters: Hermes ([info]xpolytropos) and Thanatos ([info]inexorablefate)
Date/Time: 18 Apr
Location: Some museum...
Rating: Low
Warnings: Hermes.
Summary: Thanatos finally meets Hermes. When the messenger is conveniently less feathery but every bit as devious.

damned if i live in the debt of a thief )

Jan. 4th, 2012


i need some fine wine [closed | incomplete]

Characters: Hermes ([info]xpolytropos) & Calliope ([info]birdsongs) [(& possible guest Samyaza [info]notoriousrebel)]
Date/Time: In the evening
Location: Samyaza's tavern
Rating: Tame?
Warnings: Uh, Hermes.
Summary: Time for a little visit to Mictlan's best tavern.

And you need to be nicer. )

Dec. 29th, 2011



Characters: Hermes ([info]xpolytropos) and Hector ([info]armystrong)
Date/Time: December 21st
Location: 6th floor
Rating: PG
Warnings: Insanity, French swear words
Summary: In which two of Ancient Greece's most tactical men meet. And both are named Vincent.

So many things could go horribly wrong with a badly-timed preemptive attack.  )