Posts Tagged: 'igraine'

Jul. 27th, 2012


you know you're stuck where you fell [closed | complete]

Characters: Igraine ([info]dereines), Ra ([info]atnoontide) & a sleeping Merlin
Date/Time: After this
Location: Mostly Merlin's chambers
Rating: Tame
Warnings: none
Summary: Big sisters are programmed to worry.

there's enough love in this circle )

Jun. 30th, 2012


in the burning of uncertainty [closed | complete]

Characters: Igraine ([info]dereines) & Merlin ([info]merlyn)
Date/Time: Afternoon
Location: Igraine's home
Rating: Tame
Warnings: none, surprisingly
Summary: Two concerned siblings discuss a runaway brother.

i will be your solid ground )