Posts Tagged: 'ganymede'

Nov. 22nd, 2018



[ private to Ariadne ]

Gracious lady, Mistress of the Labyrinth, I have a favour to beg you --

I need to find myself an occupation, and urgently. My previous activities have proven unsavoury to He that holds my divinity in his hands. Because of that, I dare not approach your good husband, who desires freedom for all, even if I do not wish for it today. So I come to you and ask: can I work the bar at the Thyrsus? Only the bar. Not downstairs. It's not permitted for me. I need to earn my keep, and I have only one skillset to offer. A drop of wine will never be spilled, a drink never forgotten.

If you could smooth it over with the roaring one, who loves you more than anyone else on earth or in heaven, you would have all of my gratitude. Your skill in persuasion is one I trust completely.

Nov. 12th, 2018



[No Subject]

Here I was off on me tod when a sweet young lass offered me something she called a Mai Tai. Right colourful it was, but sweet as hell. Reminded me of mead ... but worse. What's wrong with a simple pint of ale? Or some good whiskey? Shite in a glass is what it is?

Nov. 7th, 2018



[No Subject]

I think I'm getting rusty. I had a lovely, long dinner with a gorgeous guy, everything was going fantastic, and then he got a call and had to bail. At least he paid the bill before vanishing in a cab.

Sometimes, I miss the old days when I had a sure thing going on. Modernity is rough.