Posts Tagged: 'dionysus'

Nov. 12th, 2018



[No Subject]

Here I was off on me tod when a sweet young lass offered me something she called a Mai Tai. Right colourful it was, but sweet as hell. Reminded me of mead ... but worse. What's wrong with a simple pint of ale? Or some good whiskey? Shite in a glass is what it is?

Nov. 10th, 2018



Message to Hephaestus

So, if I had a commission for you for my sweetest lady wife, would you be interested? A crown involving dragons and stars in gold, perchance. She's feeling her power at the moment, and I'd be keen to see her wear the fullness of it on her lovely head.



[No Subject]

I'm thinking of getting another tattoo. Perhaps a snake on my left, to complement the one on my right? Ivy and vines on my feet or hands? A labyrinth on my back? I don't know. I have so many ideas, and only so much skin.

Nov. 9th, 2018



Thread: Dionysus & Ariadne

Who: Dionysus, Ariadne, and the menagerie in their apartment.
Where: Their apartment above the Thrysus
When: Now-ish
Warnings: With these two? At least discussion of sexytimes. At least.

Dionysus knew nothing about a walk of shame, thank you. )

Nov. 7th, 2018



[No Subject]

It seems forest bathing, is a thing.
It also seems that it does not involve bathing in the forest.
That part is a touch disappointing, but I think I shall try it.
It has to be better than Yoga.
Anything is better than Yoga

Nov. 6th, 2018



[No Subject]

I will never understand the urge to hold ourselves away from humanity.

Humans are teeming with life and vitality and the urge to change the world, or at least themselves. And when you present yourself to them, open-handed and filled with the potential to make that change --

they love you

and you are in love with them.

But I am half-human, made a god by will. And I have never, will never, forget this.

Nor the circumstances that made me thus.



[No Subject]

What kind of milk is the best?

Whole milk.

2% milk.

Skim milk.

Lowfat milk.

Raw milk.

Lactose-free milk.

Soy milk.

Rice milk.

Almond milk.

Coconut milk.

Goat milk.




[No Subject]

guess who's back in town. who's up at the thyrsus tonight?

i just got home back. where's the milk?