June 1st, 2010

[info]i_want_2 in [info]multi_fiction

Fic: Suddenly 1/1 Eureka

Title: Suddenly.
Author: Lopaka Tanu
Disclaimer: I do not own Eureka.
Recipient: [info]pukajen
Characters: Jack, Allison, Henry.
Words: 1867
Prompt: Technology knows best.
Fandom: Eureka
Pairing: Jack/Allison
Rating: Teen
Warnings: Language, Character Death.
Summary: An ordinary day leads to trouble, kinda redundant in this town.
Author's Note: Apocalyptothon Challenge Response.
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[info]peja in [info]multi_fiction

Requested Fic: Sometimes I'm Wrong

Title: Sometimes I'm Wrong
Author: PEJA

Summary: Back From Mexico
Fandom: NCIS
Characters/Pairing (portrayed by): Gibbs/DiNozzo (Mark Hamon/Michael Weatherly)
Rating: FRT
Prompt: Request from Kerensa...(NavyNCISslash)
Kerensa asks for "Yes, I have a request, a story when they get home." They being Gibbs/Tony, and home from mexico this season finale.
Warnings: none
Genre: Slash
Chapter number if WIP: One-off - complete
Previous "Request a Fic" fandoms: 1. NCIS - Who Do I Have To F... 2. Andromeda - Angels 3 3. NCIS - Sometimes I'm wrong
Next Up - Torchwood.
Permission to archive to WWOMB. Others, please ask.
Acknowledgments/Notes: I"m doing a "request a fic" on the Journals. So at the same time I am accepting story and WIP chapter requests. If there is something specific you would like me to write or continue, now is the time to let me know, either by going to the journals and entering your request in the post comments section or by contacting me through FB or directly. Stories are being written as I find the request, so an obvious notation helps speed your story.
Disclaimer. NCIS does not belong to me. no money made in this
Comm/List Written for: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/NavyNCISslash

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