December 8th, 2009

[info]lomeinie in [info]multi_fiction

Fic: The Offer 4/5 & 5/5 (Rated PG)

Title: The Offer/ Chapters 4 & 5
Author: Amy1oM
Rating: PG 
Spoilers: Er, Doomsday(?) and probably a few from what I've read about but never listened to Big Finish's Gallifrey stories
Characters: Rose Tyler, Romana III (or IV you decide), cameo by another former companion of the Doctor's, Ten
Summary: In a scene taking place several hours after “Romanadvoratrelundar Meet” Rose will suddenly be offered everything she could have ever dreamed when it comes to the Doctor but will she accept it?

Disclaimer: Don't own it and have made no money at all from this!

[info]shakatany in [info]multi_fiction

ItLoTM: Prologue

Title: In the Light of Two Moons
Author: Shakatany
Series: Babylon 5
Pairing: Neroon/?

Rating: FRT
Chapters: ?
These stories are not meant to infringe upon the copyrights held by J. Michael Straczynski, Kathryn M. Drennan, Babylonian Inc. or Time Warner Productions. I'm merely playing with what they've apparently abandoned, adding my own take on that universe. It's not my fault...
my muse is forcing me to do it.
Summary: After "Objects at Rest" John and Delenn find that once again the dead do not stay dead.
Note: This fic is dedicated to John Vickery who has been described as having a voice that could melt the underwear off a cloistered nun at 50 paces.
So very true.

In the light of two moons
crystal mountains gleam
within their hearts
no shadows fall
--Shaal Mayan

Prologue )

[info]shakatany in [info]multi_fiction

ItLoTM: Chapter One

Title: In the Light of Two Moons
Author: Shakatany
Series: Babylon 5
Pairing: Neroon/?

Rating: FRT
Chapters: 1/?
These stories are not meant to infringe upon the copyrights held by J. Michael Straczynski, Kathryn M. Drennan, Babylonian Inc. or Time Warner Productions. I'm merely playing with what they've apparently abandoned, adding my own take on that universe. It's not my fault...
my muse is forcing me to do it.
Summary: After "Objects at Rest" John and Delenn find that once again the dead do not stay dead.
Note: This fic is dedicated to John Vickery who has been described as having a voice that could melt the underwear off a cloistered nun at 50 paces.
So very true.

In the light of two moons
crystal mountains gleam
within their hearts
no shadows fall
--Shaal Mayan

Chapter 1 )



[info]shakatany in [info]multi_fiction

ItLoTM: Chapter Two

Title: In the Light of Two Moons
Author: Shakatany
Series: Babylon 5
Pairing: Neroon/?

Rating: FRT
Chapters: 2/?
These stories are not meant to infringe upon the copyrights held by J. Michael Straczynski, Kathryn M. Drennan, Babylonian Inc. or Time Warner Productions. I'm merely playing with what they've apparently abandoned, adding my own take on that universe. It's not my fault...
my muse is forcing me to do it.
Summary: After "Objects at Rest" John and Delenn find that once again the dead do not stay dead.
Note: This fic is dedicated to John Vickery who has been described as having a voice that could melt the underwear off a cloistered nun at 50 paces.
So very true.

In the light of two moons
crystal mountains gleam
within their hearts
no shadows fall
--Shaal Mayan

Chater 2 )

[info]shakatany in [info]multi_fiction

ItLoTM: Chapter Three

Title: In the Light of Two Moons
Author: Shakatany
Series: Babylon 5
Pairing: Neroon/?

Rating: FRT
These stories are not meant to infringe upon the copyrights held by J. Michael Straczynski, Kathryn M. Drennan, Babylonian Inc. or Time Warner Productions. I'm merely playing with what they've apparently abandoned, adding my own take on that universe. It's not my fault...
my muse is forcing me to do it.
Summary: After "Objects at Rest" John and Delenn find that once again the dead do not stay dead.
Note: This fic is dedicated to John Vickery who has been described as having a voice that could melt the underwear off a cloistered nun at 50 paces.
So very true.

In the light of two moons
crystal mountains gleam
within their hearts
no shadows fall
--Shaal Mayan

Chapter 3 )

[info]shakatany in [info]multi_fiction

ItLoTM: Chapter Four

Title: In the Light of Two Moons
Author: Shakatany
Series: Babylon 5
Pairing: Neroon/?

Rating: FRT
Chapters: 4/?
These stories are not meant to infringe upon the copyrights held by J. Michael Straczynski, Kathryn M. Drennan, Babylonian Inc. or Time Warner Productions. I'm merely playing with what they've apparently abandoned, adding my own take on that universe. It's not my fault...
my muse is forcing me to do it.
Summary: After "Objects at Rest" John and Delenn find that once again the dead do not stay dead.
Note: This fic is dedicated to John Vickery who has been described as having a voice that could melt the underwear off a cloistered nun at 50 paces.
So very true.

In the light of two moons
crystal mountains gleam
within their hearts
no shadows fall
--Shaal Mayan

Chapter 4 )

November 2015



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