May 12th, 2009

[info]i_want_2 in [info]multi_fiction

Fic: Twilight. 1/1 Supernatural

Title: Twilight
Author: Lopaka Tanu
Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural.
Characters: Dean, OFC, Sam.
Words: 1539
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Dean/Sam, One Sided Dean/OFC, mentioned Sam/Castiel/Dean, Dean/Castiel.
Rating: Teen
Warnings: Language, Violence, Original-Character Death, Vampirism.
Summary: Dean's plying his trade as only he knows how.
Author's Note: The boys are vampires in this one, have been since season 1.
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[info]bridgetmkennitt in [info]multi_fiction

Windchimes And Rose Petals, Volume 1

Title: Windchimes And Rose Petals, Volume 1
By: Bridget McKennitt
Pairing: Primarily Snape/Harry. Other pairings, minor and major, include *Harry/Ginny, Ron/Hermione, Bellatrix/Severus, Cho/Neville, Harry/Theodore Nott, Harry/OMCs, Lucius/Narcissa, Narcissa/OMCs, Harry/Cho, Fudge/Umbridge, Draco/Scrimgeour*
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: Almost 14,000
Summary: Harry was about to have the dream life when he was attacked during his wedding. Now, four years later, he is out for revenge against those who wronged him.
Warning: Out of sequenced scenes, pairings listed above, blood, violence, non con, dub con, chan, swearing, hidden mpreg, and anything else that was shown in the Kill Bill movies.
Disclaimer: Harry Potter and company are owned by J.K. Rowling and other companies. They are used here without permission, and for entertainment purposes only. No challenge or infringement upon the copyright is intended, nor should any be inferred.
Author's Notes: This is a retelling of the movie Kill Bill using the Harry Potter characters and mesh of both universes. Much of the dialogue and inner monologue are Tarantino's, formatted for this fic.

"'s your baby."

November 2015



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