April 13th, 2009

[info]i_want_2 in [info]multi_fiction

Weekly Promotion Challenge: Results Show!

Congratulations on a successful challenge! Last week's promotion of "Eureka" proved to be a success thanks to me!

Response to the Prompt:

Twice Upon A Time by [info]i_want_2

While the challenge may be over, the fandom still exists. We welcome any future fic from "Eureka" to our wonderful asylum.

[info]i_want_2 in [info]multi_fiction

Weekly Promotion Challenge: CSI (Television Show)

Welcome to the eighteenth Weekly Fandom Promotion Challenge.

What this is about. )

Fandom Name: CSI (Television Show)
Fandom Level: General

Pairing: Anyone/Anyone

A Brief Description: CSI is a franchise that started out with a simple idea: Explain how police use science to explain how a crime was committed to capture the bad guys. Between three shows in different cities, they have covered an array of techniques in variety of crimes. Not only have the characters explained their professions, they've given us valuable insight in to the world of criminal investigation. While not every procedure followed in the shows is accurate within the real world, some poetic license is allowed to make the show compelling.

Links Of Interest: Wikipedia Article on CSI Franchise

Daily Prompts: )

Reward: All participants get this lovely CSI 'Wait Until We Get Our Hands On You' icon.

Jerry's Final Thought: It looks like your body was the victim of an over active imagination. You could say it was 'over thinking' that did them in. Along with the sciences, CSI has had to update their repertoire as the field of forensics has advanced. Between multi-national plots and long dead conspiracies, they've offered us countless hours of entertainment. Whatever crime you may think you've gotten away with, with these people on the case, it's only a matter of time before you are brought to justice.

If you have stories about this week's theme, feel free to share with us. All stories should be posted to the asylum, not as a reply to this post. Just think of this post as a notice on a bulletin board.

If I screwed any of it up, comment and I will correct.

[info]i_want_2 in [info]multi_fiction

Fic: Coming Home To Roses - Epilogue 1/1 Heroes

Title: Epilogue
Author: Lopaka Tanu
Disclaimer: I do not own Heroes.
Characters: Mohinder, Peter, Nathan!Sylar.
Words: 786
Fandom: Heroes
Pairing: Sylar/Peter, implied Mohinder/Sylar/Peter.
Rating: Adult
Warnings: Language, Sexual Situations.
Summary: 5 years later, President Petrelli discusses matters with his advisors.
Author's Note: Yes, a degenerate, indeed.
Read more... )

November 2015



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