April 6th, 2009

[info]i_want_2 in [info]multi_fiction

Weekly Promotion Challenge: Eureka (Television Show)

Welcome to the seventeenth Weekly Fandom Promotion Challenge.

What this is about. )

Fandom Name: Eureka (Television Show)
Fandom Level: General

Pairing: Jack Carter/Anyone, Anyone/Anyone

A Brief Description: One day, a Federal Marshal was escorting a prisoner back to Seattle to be with her mother. Something happens to cause him to wreck and he goes in to town for assistance. That town is Eureka, and everyone in it is basically crazy. More insane, mind blowingly so, stuff happens, and he finds himself as sheriff. His prisoner, who also happens to be his daughter, comes to stay with him. And that's just the beginning of his trouble.

Eureka is a supposedly secret town where all the top scientists in the United States go to be themselves. This causes lots of trouble because like juvenile delinquents, they have no impulse control and let their experiments run amok, frequently. Even their supposed leader, Nathan Stark, is nothing but a loose canon with an ego large enough to crush Texas. Until he dies. Then he leaves a memory large enough to crush Alaska.

Between his side kicks: Fargo, Deputy Jo, and *growls* Zane, that wacky daughter of his, and this crazy, where the fuck did she come from, sister, Jack Carter is not having a good day, thank you very much!

Links Of Interest: Wikipedia Article on Eureka

The Official Site

Detailed Episode Summaries At TV.com

Because evil alien conspiracies want you to enjoy the show, here it is on Hulu.com

Daily Prompts: )

Reward: All participants get this lovely Eureka 'Gravity works...Oh crap!' icon.

Jerry's Final Thought: Eureka gave us a simple idea, and turned in to equal parts crack and crap. Like every show, it has it's bad moments, but that's why we invented the Memory Remote! Fast forward through those bad moments or relive the good ones! Call now, operators in a parallel dimension are standing by!

If you have stories about this week's theme, feel free to share with us. All stories should be posted to the asylum, not as a reply to this post. Just think of this post as a notice on a bulletin board.

If I screwed any of it up, comment and I will correct.

[info]i_want_2 in [info]multi_fiction

Fic: Little Shop Of Horrors 1/1 Heroes.

Title: Little Shop Of Horrors.
Author: Lopaka Tanu
Disclaimer: I do not own Heroes.
Characters: Peter, Gabriel, Nathan, Angela, Chandra.
Words: 2452
Fandom: Heroes
Pairing: slight Peter/Sylar
Rating: Adult
Series: Prequel to "Coming Home To Roses."
Warnings: Language
Summary: When Peter met Sylar.
Author's Note: A different take on 'Six Months Ago'.
Read more... )

November 2015



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