March 30th, 2009

[info]xabitrip in [info]multi_fiction

Enterprise Fic Challenge

Hi everyone, new here and it looks as though I’ve found the right place to read some good Star Trek fic. Hopefully this is also the right place to be able to post challenges for fics (just shout at me if it isn’t I’ll understand, although I’ve been looking everywhere and there are not many places out there!). Anyhow, as I’m absolutely useless at writing myself, but can’t get enough of the Enterprise stuff to read, I got a bit of an idea in my head and it won’t go away.

We all know that Denobulans aren’t too keen on touching and also Doc Phlox really does seem to rely heavily on all his electronic gadgets to diagnose and cure - but I’m sure he’s an excellent doctor without them – and that’s where I got my idea from. Can someone come up with a story (the longer the better) where Phlox is stranded on a planet with a seriously injured Trip, with no gadgets to help him, not even a hand scanner, he’ll just have to rely on the old fashioned “hands-on” technique to treat him and keep him alive until rescue arrives. Also we know how unsure of herself Hoshi can be on away missions, maybe she could be with them. How would a squeamish Hoshi cope having to help Phlox! OMG poor Trip, what am I letting him in for!!:)

If you know of anywhere else I can put this challenge, please let me know. Thanks

[info]i_want_2 in [info]multi_fiction

Fic: A Matter Of Currency 1/1 The Magnificent Seven

Title: A Matter Of Currency.
Author: Lopaka Tanu
Disclaimer: I do not own Magnificent Seven.
Characters: Ezra, Vin.
Words: 789
Prompt: SFulton's Christmas Fic.
Fandom: Magnificent Seven
Pairing: Ezra/Vin
Rating: Adult
Warnings: Language, Sexual Act.
Summary: Ezra gets a taste of the merchandise.
Author's Note: In an alternate Pilot, Ezra hires himself a beautiful whore.
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[info]i_want_2 in [info]multi_fiction

Weekly Promotion Challenge: Results Show!

Congratulations on a successful challenge! Last week's promotion of "The X-Files" proved to be a success thanks to me!

Response to the theme:

Long Way Off by [info]i_want_2

While the challenge may be over, the fandom still exists. We welcome any future fic from "The X-Files" to our wonderful asylum.

[info]i_want_2 in [info]multi_fiction

Weekly Promotion Challenge: Blood Ties (Television Show)

Welcome to the sixteenth Weekly Fandom Promotion Challenge.

What this is about. )

Fandom Name: Blood Ties (Television Show)
Fandom Level: General

Pairing: No OFCs.

A Brief Description: Vicki is a PI. She was a detective that was forced to quit because she was slowly going blind. What she saw during one spectacularly strange case left her with a lasting problem: What does one say to a four hundred year-old vampire? Her ex-partner and lover, Mike, doesn't really believe her until it comes to bite him in the ass...or Neck. With rent coming like clock work, an assistant whose more than a little flaky, and that pesky little thing about a demon wanting her soul, she pretty much has no time for Jeopardy.

Links Of Interest: PIs and Their Blood Sucking Associates on Wikipedia.

Daily Prompts: )

Reward: All participants get this lovely Blood Ties 'Sucker For You' icon.

Jerry's Final Thought: For a series about vampires, there really wasn't a lot of erotic imagery. This show gave it a more mundane, human approach and it attracted a cult following for it. There is one thing that can be said about, 'It Sucks' and that's not an insult.

If you have stories about this week's theme, feel free to share with us. All stories should be posted to the asylum, not as a reply to this post. Just think of this post as a notice on a bulletin board.

If I screwed any of it up, comment and I will correct.

[info]i_want_2 in [info]multi_fiction

Weekly Promotion Challenge: April Promotions.

A schedule for this month:


Monday 6 - Eureka (Television Series)
Monday 13 - CSIverse (Las Vegas/Miami/New York)
Monday 20 - Being Human (Television Series)
Monday 27 - House M.D. (Television Series)

Brush up on these fandoms if you wish to participate. We will have a week's worth of daily prompts for each one to inspire our writers. Each person who participates will get that week's icon for their very own. Participation is by writing a drabble or larger for the prompt or by posting a fic in that fandom within the promotional week. Remember, the fic must be posted by Midnight, Monday EST.

If you have a fandom you wish to see promoted, drop us a line here and give us a brief description of it.

[info]tabakat in [info]multi_fiction

FIc: Whine and Dine 1/1 Torchwood

Title: Whine and Dine
Author: Tabakat
Beta: None
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1,780
Fandom: Torchwood
Pairings: None
Summary: Tosh gets Owen Harper drunk with the best of intentions in mind.
Notes: This was made with [info]kabal_42 prompt in mind she wanted to know more of Owen’s past or a missing scene from Season Two before Reset.
Set before Reset
Spoilers: All of Torchwood Season1-2
Disclaimer: I do not own Torchwood. This is a fan-work only. It is made for fun not profit. No money was made off this story nor will it be with the author’s knowledge or permission. No copyright infringement is intended. No offense is meant.

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